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Everything posted by CRed05

  1. Maybe they mean business casual?
  2. Never personally used it (German car ), but I've heard good things about the brand.
  3. No problem. Any time. Be pro-active, not re-active. Or you can try KBS RustBlast
  4. Buy German next time. Damn Japanese rust buckets.
  5. Ground War Kill Confirmed is crazy, since everyone on the team seems to huddle together. You can just lay into the whole lot of them. Nothing like getting a 10 kill streak from one mag. :fuckyeah:
  6. Well, kinda http://blogs.adobe.com/conversations/category/developers
  7. I'd stick with twins. Yes it's been done, but it requires a lot of modification, and you will essentially get the same power as any of the bolt on twins, but with more lag. It's not cheaper either, so I'm not sure what the draw to a single is.
  8. I like it so far. A lot smoother playing game than BF3, better overall. The one thing that I miss from BF3 is the no lag and rooms don't shut down. Kill Confirm is pretty fun. Elite doesn't work for shit, servers are overloaded.
  9. I don't wear a headset, shits fucking gay. And that's what a nice, thin BT headset on PS3. Xbox headset is super over the top gay.
  10. :lolguy: The sun hurts my porcelain skin.
  11. True, but that also includes xbox silver/free accounts. Here's another way of looking at it. Units sold. PS3: 55.5Million XB360: 57.6Million My excuse for xbox having a bigger number is that I've only bought one PS3, where my brother has bought at least 3 cause the shit keeps breaking. :dumb: /beatingdeadhorse
  12. PSN Accounts: 77 Million XBL Accounts: 35 Million I forgot though that the xbox connects to the other, better internet. You know, the one you have to pay to use after you're already paying to use it.:dumb:
  13. ...and it's a cold and dark there. http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/6968/unled1owb.jpg I've never ever seen this before, ever. I am disappoint in all of you.
  14. The thicker the better, bring it. I could use new meats on the LR though...fuck it, I'll do it with balding tires.
  15. That wouldn't be fair to the rest of them.
  16. MW3 - Acquired. Chipotle - Acquired.
  17. ...or fastest 40 http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b381/intalect/IMAGE_116.jpg
  18. No fatties here brrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh
  19. ^Someone's not man enough to take on a burrito challenge. When your manhood is in doubt, revert to guns.
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