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Everything posted by CRed05

  1. Ha, we have an app on the market that uses the internet permission. BRB haxxoring ur SMS'. I wouldn't freak out too much, it's still kind of worrisome though. Sense...:dumb:
  2. Which is why I said relatively affordable. It's $50K for the cheapest kit. On a Porsche you can chip the car for cheap, upgrade turbos for like $3K. The Z06 I'm sure is cheap as hell to mod too.
  3. $44.99 + free shipping http://deals.woot.com/deals/details/cfaf0aeb-7975-4fc0-9e02-d6d83fbed205/battlefield-3-pre-order#22 I am but a man, but you may still worship and positive rep me.
  4. Ferrari maintenance :dumb: The F430 is nice, not a whole lot you can do about modding though (in terms of relative affordability). Might also leave you wanting the Scuderia.
  5. I think that just like the new Porsche commercials, Porsche's are cars that you can drive daily because it will be comfortable, quiet, AWD, etc. For a toy, and for the price...a Z06 is a good choice. Clarkson seems to feel that way too. A Z06 is not a car that you could live with daily.
  6. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3314/3272808448_501a23fa85_o.jpg http://s3.amazonaws.com/kym-assets/entries/icons/original/000/005/939/Fap%20Guy%20Meme.png?1306539683
  7. God forbid the opponents try to improve their game. What the fuck do these people think are going to happen once these kids reach college? Idiots.
  8. What about this little tid bit? "except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger" - 5th amendment
  9. opposite http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-tRtrLdNaUes/Tgn3C46RVbI/AAAAAAAABPM/ziCp38SCeUU/s1600/Mac.jpg
  10. Not really :dumb: She just brought me milk and cookies. No but seriously, it's just me and my one brother who stay in my parent's house. They have a place in San Jose and are home like one weekend a month.
  11. Well yeah. Why would I buy shit? And listen here fuckface. You're always the one that pops into threads about Android devices and have to make it clear how way awesomer you are because you have an iphone, or in a playstation/xbox thread about how you're such a l33t gamer because you only play on PC. Talk down to me again and I swear I will slap your shit.
  12. I think you've already shown that you like inferior devices....*cough*xbox*cough*
  13. CRed05

    Battlefield 3

    I don't know what you guys are bitching about. I think it's a great game and it's only a beta. Maybe it just sucks on PC. I find it hard to aim, my accuracy sucks in the game, hopefully that's something they fix.
  14. http://www.woot.com/ $350 for a refurb....to too bad.
  15. The ones on Sancus, to turn left onto Polaris doesn't pick up bikes...I sat there forever until finally a car pulled in the lane next to me. I've heard people say to not pull up all the way to the front of the line to try to trick the sensor into thinking there are multiple cars so that it will turn faster. :dumb:
  16. CRed05


    You are a fucking a retard, not even kidding.
  17. CRed05


    I want the old facebook back
  18. CRed05

    Battlefield 3

    There are definitely some bugs. The graphics will sometimes go underneath the map when you die, but I've seen that happen in COD too. Sometimes the aim and run buttons don't work, so you have to swap weapons or come to a complete stop before they start working. I wouldn't say it has anymore bugs than when a COD game gets released. I like how you can see lens flare from enemy scopes, very cool.
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