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Everything posted by CRed05

  1. I speak from experience. Fine by me, go pay $18K for a used civic that rattles like a spray can and has rust the size of soccer balls. I'll go buy 3 Audi's for $23.50 after tax.
  2. Jones' car has the worst resale value in this thread.
  3. I guess you could root it and put it on there eventually.
  5. Meh, I too think that American cars are crap for the most part, but I wouldn't mind owning a C6 vette. OMGITSAMERICAN Why would anyone spend $7000 on this? http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSL_FRWecfwfU_I-tRgQZcblo8zN1UHHs4OA5iU1mdvMiSHBeMN Just look at it...
  6. Quoted for lies...welll it's sometimes true Cool, I'll wait for him to see this thread.
  7. I'm hoping it doesn't come to that.
  8. There is a software update for the Bluetooth in my LR3 that I want to have done (it will sync my phone contacts to the car). Problem is it's at the owner's expense and they want to charge me an hour's labor which is $115. Is there anyone on here that help can soften the blow a bit?
  9. There are a few people on here that don't have cars.
  10. I think my audi is a bit of a sleeper too, no one ever expects an old A4 to lay down the hammer. If only it was an avant, it would be even more sleeper like.
  11. I'll stick up for zfag, I don't see why all the hate.
  12. I wouldn't take my car out in all this salt, especially not in a Neon...shit rusts if you look at it funny.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Rx3tPeE3ug YA FEEL ME DAWG? ROSES WITH PICKLES, FRIED PICKLES!
  14. CRed05


  15. Eat a filly cheese steak, run up the Philadelphia art museum steps
  16. The new Durango doesn't look too bad either http://autocarsnews.info/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/2011-Dodge-Durango-Mopar-Picture.jpg
  17. CRed05

    T-Mobile G1

    Jeffro's past moves: Mustang --> Civic Android --> Iphone Given those trends, this will surely be your next move: Getting intimate with girls --> Getting intimate with dudes
  18. It's got everything you want in a movie, crazy doctor, germans, asians, side boob and shit eating.
  19. http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSF793A7xuXAEePqAi_jCphf4ydzd4V-k47wPFj10LtnScriQl6nA
  20. + http://audi-for-sale.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/audi-rs4.jpg
  21. http://www.elementwheels.com/prodimages/rohis250.jpg I'm not a fan.
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