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Everything posted by CRed05

  1. This. You're not going to win or convince these people. They love their NASCAR, PBR and running their 'stangs and 'maro's in a straight line. Throw in some guns and you just summed up their whole life. Quality isn't exactly a concern here.
  2. Sweet, now you just have a faster POS
  3. German > Other Euro's > Japanese > American
  4. Every car will have it's problems and faults, there is no such thing as a perfect car. But for the most part American cars are just not designed as well as a foreign car. Quickly put together for the cheapest material. They are the McDonald's of the car industry.
  5. Pretty sure that's an aftermarket part.
  6. Yeah, using double sided tape to build a car EDIT: Sorry, cheesedick glue
  7. It is actually. The lack of attention to detail, cutting corners and making shit products is the problem. To quote Clarkson, "It was rubbish when it was new, it was built by idiots, and it’s rubbish now."
  8. Yup. I had a rental new Camaro in Vegas, the pleather started peeling off the steering wheel, front bumper moves about 3 inches when you gently push on it.
  9. That's a cool hummer. The owner seemed pretty chill about the whole situation.
  10. There are quite a few for me. OG Mini just to name one (this one is even in British racing green) http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1972-Mini-S-S-/320651415040?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item4aa8504e00
  11. Way to ruin it for me. http://hville.hostzi.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10001/unsuccessful_troll.jpg
  12. http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSdb9yaiDCCRF3h9x54QujwSM2JucSlbRrr7Yb77LOT5kdlJ9pxVA&t=1
  13. CRed05

    WTB: New Daily

    You should probably get another honda, they last for ever.
  14. http://static.mellbimbo.eu/files/1296561112-Spiders_reflection.gif http://i.imgur.com/ZPidG.gif
  15. These are 2 of my favs. http://coltmonday.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/cat-wtf.gif http://thechive.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/roombacat.gif?w=470&h=264
  16. I dare anyone on Sprint or Verizon to send me a single text that's longer than 160 characters. :bangbang:
  17. As long as you don't change your plan you'll be grandfathered in.
  18. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_OL3Aupo7450/TOfIdWn-JpI/AAAAAAAAACo/Cz32d28ypUc/s1600/csi_yeah_skyline.jpg
  19. Within the last month. People will be grandfathered in, they get 1 more before it goes away.
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