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Everything posted by CRed05

  1. *airplane noise coupled with waving hand over head*
  2. Sweet, wonder if it has customizable killstreaks. Looks just like MW2, but with a few extra weapons, looks cool though.
  3. I was just at CMH, Atlanta, Johannesburg, Heathrow and Detroit. Went through security without any problems, everything went smooth, and best of all I didnt have to go through the body scanners. I did set off the metal detector in Heathrow though, and all I got was the wand and a pat down. After seeing what the scanned images look like, I dont care if I had to go through them.
  4. Better car than what any of the haters have Congrats
  5. My brother got his and I had some time to check it out. It's a cool phone for the most part. It's a little too big for my liking, and its shaped kinda odd in the rear, but feels comfortable enough to hold. MotoBlur, just like HTC Sense, has some really cool things that they add to android, but in the end vanilla android is still better. MotoBlur definately ranks at the bottom, it's just not put together all that great and I can see why gizmodo didnt like it, but I wouldnt go as far as calling it ugly and poorly done.
  6. Interesting observation. Kind of like this new "formula" they are using for diplaying the bars. They spread it out, which is good, but they also made the lowest bar display at a lower dBm. So where an android or 4.0 and prior iphone will show no bars, it will now display 1 bar. I've been messing around here with twistedfocus' iphone 4 and my nexus, and heres how i feel about the whole deal. Yes, they put the antenna in the wrong location. The bottom left isnt the only wrong location, anywhere on the outside of the phone i think is the wrong location, especially with these types of phones where you will be holding them in landscape or portrait mode. How it made it through testing I dont know, and thats the biggest screw up apple did, along with denying that there is a problem and that people need to hold it differently. My phone will drop ~25dbm when I cover up the antenna, which is about the same what the iphone does. Only difference is I have to do a lot more than just touch it.
  7. This is really not THAT big of a deal as it's been made out to be either, its not like the phone becomes unusable.
  8. Look at the shit Toyota got for something that's a user error, but since it's apple, a simple band aid will suffice and apple is still the bee's knees. Squirrels.
  9. CRed05


  10. I dont know. Last time i downloaded a movie from limewire, but thats probably not your best bet anymore. I've also loaded the digital copies i get from blurays/dvds on there. Someone on here probably knows a good place to get movies from.
  11. You can take any movie, and convert them with something like this http://www.videora.com/en-us/Converter/android/
  12. I think you're thinking of something else. Its like an x-ray, no color, and for the most part no skin, just a very faint ghostly appearance of skin. You wanna see Obama naked?
  13. I started running engine ice in my bike, runs noticeably cooler compared to regular green, and its propylene glycol, so race tracks wont bitch about it.
  14. but seriously, b5 ftw http://www.httphost1.com/sontec/pub/utop/k3.jpg http://www.dubkorps.com/other%20pics/rs4/jjrs4_frontfields.jpg
  15. HAAAWWWTTT http://blog.hemmings.com/wp-content/uploads//2010/02/100-avant-quattro.jpg
  16. CRed05


    http://knowyourmeme.com/i/000/059/477/original/w2lgk4.jpg?1279261188 bro
  17. Whats her name I'll write it on there with metallic ink.
  18. Documentary. They interview them, and then they show them in action. Kind of like a reality show I guess.
  19. How'd you get it? The one dude at verizon said no one in columbus has any in stock, but they can ship it to us and will be there tomorrow. We tried 2 stores, the other one just put my brother on a list and who knows when we'll get it.
  20. I AM NOT A WHORE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxJ-g4_coCs
  21. I didnt read all the responses but... Looks like I'm going to be scanned on Saturday. I'm a fairly frequently flyer, but not enough to where this worries me. I just dont want some perv checking out my junk. You probably are exposed to more radiation once on the plane than from the scanner.
  22. I have a set but I'm not going to be around. I got mine from carquest, and zeitgheist got a set somewhere else recently also.
  23. I wouldn't do unless I knew him a little better...no homo
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