I said that was my opinion and apparently I am not the only one who has that same opinion. I was not taking a jab at your car, I didnt even realize you had a mustang. My first car was a 99 v6 mustang so I know exactly what they are like. And for calling my car the "dodge" of german cars...obviously shows that you too have a personal preference and are making a "backended slap" at someone elses car who just so happens to be a dodge.
The general car buying public doesn't know shit about cars, they buy it cause its pretty and the rest of the other trend following morons have them too. The general public thinks that of BMW and Mercedes because they don't know any better. Its funny because every new car has that big grill that AUDI came out with on the B7 chassis, everyone and their mom now has AWD which came from...you guessed it...AUDI. Every car out there reminds me of what Audi has been for the last 20 years. But the general public doesn't know that shit.
Not quite sure what you were trying to say, but I never said German OR Japanese cars were perfect. Yes, I do work on my car myself 99% of the time. The couple of times I didnt feel like doing it myself it was 80$ and hour, probably the same if you were to take the mustang somewhere.
Now with all that said. I know why people buy Mustangs, they are inexpensive, they are everywhere so parts are easy to come buy, easy to work on, RWD, etc etc. So I dont think any less of you or anyone who drives or owns one, or any other car for that matter. But it goes back to what the general car buying public wants, and right now, they dont want that.