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Everything posted by CRed05

  1. That looks awesome. Would like to do that, looks like I have some preparing to do.
  2. "Text is likely to be stupid."
  3. Race cars, beer, guns, sense of humor, VAG, quality intro... http://www.aridiwrites.com/ChuckNorrisApproved.png
  4. That's a big deal! Personally don't really give a shite about soccer, but that's great. Media coverage is on the fail side...too bad.
  5. CRed05

    Blackberry Storm

    this guy knows what hes talking about. No wifi? Took someone a day to get used to typing and now you can almost type as fast as your old phone? Doesn't sound too promising.
  6. Ugh...selling them a week too late or else i would have snatched those up.
  7. WTF?! no spoilers? Well there goes my hopes of running 9s... Atleast my car wasnt on the list. I got out powered by a civic VTEC. Oh and Ram Air is considered forced induction... :bs:
  8. If you can transfer the beta invitation I'd love to take it off your hands!!!
  9. CRed05

    call out

    phh...fucking rocket sled!
  10. CRed05

    call out

    ...thats what i thought, pussies
  11. CRed05

    call out

    I'll play... I call out anyone who wants to get pwnd
  12. http://www.extreme-mods.com/Replacement-Blu-Ray-Laser-Lens-KES-400AAA-p/ps3-repair-kes400aaalens.htm There is the replacement laser.. $80
  13. http://www.youritronics.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/blu-ray-laser-pointer-on-a-piece-of-paper.JPG If you do need to replace the drive, you can make a sweet blueray laser pointer, lol
  14. http://www.explosm.net/db/files/Comics/Rob/bitchesbecrazy.png
  15. Supposedly you can either send it in or get a new BD drive and replace it yourself. Better fix that cause Home is coming out soon.
  16. haha...I love the added snickers bar
  17. CRed05

    sup dudes

  18. LOL! http://wimg.co.uk/tE7GbJ.jpg
  19. True. In addition to that is that American car manufacturers made cars that Americans will drive. Nothing wrong there, it worked for them for a long time. Big honken gas guslers on the other hand do not work so well elsewhere in the world so euro and jap. cars took over in those places. Didn't take long for Americans to realize "hey, that shit makes more sense." Face it, for the last 30 years the average american car stylings have been out of date, boring or just plain ugly. It hasnt been until lately, where American companies, and Japanese companies for that matter, have been copying European designs to stay up to date and decent enough for people to buy them.
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