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Posts posted by progrmr

  1. i have a question too. how do you send a picture message?

    Can't with an iPhone - well, 3.0 upgrade (which came out yesterday) has that functionality, but AT&T hasn't enabled it yet because it will put their crappy 3G network on display.

    I bought an iPHone a week ago, but I couldn't believe it when I found out it couldn't do MMS messaging! I mean, its got freakin' GPS in it, but it can't send a pic??

  2. Wearing a jacket isn't just about road rash either - its about that armor prevent broken bones.

    Here's the jacket I was wearing when I went down (low-side, on the left ~25-30mph)


    My shoulder hit the ground and hard causing that shoulder padding to tear out. If not for the armor underneath I would have most certainly caused some real damage to my shoulder/collar bone.

    Wear it man - I'm not telling you to, I'm asking because I don't want to see another rider get hurt if it can be prevented.

  3. A buddy of mine got the story - what I'm hearing is that the car cut the bike off, rider pulled up to the car and banged his fist on the hood of the car and took off. Driver chased the rider down and hit him with the car. Driver of the car is an illegal w/ no license, and I hear they are considering murder charges.

    Can't attest to all this personally, I wasn't there. But my buddy isn't the type to just make this kind of thing up.

    R.I.P. rider.

  4. When I was a stepdad and crashed, my wife was like "Why are you trying to make me a widow?" - now, she hated me riding anyway. I didn't ride for a long time after the accident (very minor BTW, just an owie on the knee) but once riding is in your blood, that's it. My life and things I do will not be dictated by fear.

    I'm in no hurry to die on a bike, but I'm also not in a big hurry to die by not living this one life I've been granted!

  5. Dude, I rocked an '89 Virago 750 as my first bike - very good handling ride.

    Congrats! But if I was you I'd lose the windscreen....just a personal preference, I like a clean front end :)

  6. Most corners I have the biggest problem with are blind - there are a couple on that easy stretch of 315 that you just can't see until you're on top of them. I know this is where being familiar with a road is best, but even then you can't tell current conditions of the corner until you're into it. I just slow down even though I know where the road is going. Also single lane roads which are my favorite are also the worst with cagers.

    204 out to zanesville is a good example...I think most people in cars are also up higher and can see more of the road than I can and I'm not very familiar with the road. Makes me nervous to even ride it.

    I guess I just need to ride at my own pace and the hell with whoever is behind me. Maybe bust off a side-view mirror or two if people piss me off :)

  7. I'm back on my first real bike since my crash in 2007. I'm finding that when I'm on even a lightly twisty road (say 315 north of 270 up to 23) I find myself being very cautious in the corners.

    I get to thinking that I should be able to corner faster than the cars, but then again I see a lot of gravel in corners and I want to corner with caution to make sure I take a line through the corner that doesn't take me through the gravel! I mean, if the car corners to fast they're probably ok but if I corner too fast I can crash and possibly crash into on-coming traffic.

    This causes cars to start following me closely and "rushing" me. I feel like I need to speed up but don't want to wreck again.

    I can't be the only one that doesn't hammer through the corners given the state of the roads out there. How do you all deal w/ this stuff?

  8. I think its going to rain this morning, but tonight should be OK - I think we'll be good. Plus weather people say "chance of pop up showers" - well that means they think some could pop up that they won't see on the radar...hell, that could happen at any time LOL!

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