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kawi kid

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Everything posted by kawi kid

  1. kawi kid


    I'm so tempted to hit you with anothr one just for fun now.
  2. They already have the whitest black man ever in the white house what more do they want? I kid I kid
  3. I didn't even look at those yet.
  4. Take a very very.large caliber flint lock lol
  5. On the way home from.our honeymoon we missed a connecting flight in Philadelphia. While we waited for our next flight I was able to sit there and watch a very suspicious man with no luggage desert camo pants another weird patterned Camo shirt and an operator hat with an American patch flag on it go to the kiosk thing and ask about 10 times about seating arrangements. To me this Guy was a threat and I had already had my thought process worked out to the point of how I was going to apply my ball point pen to his throat as soon as he made a wrong move. Moral of the story is yes behavior is a good way to watch but lets face it, the people who decided flying planes into buildings aren't the main focus of tsa for the simple reason of politically correct bullshit. Btw this guy ended up disappearing before he boarded the plane. Apparently he must have made enough of an impression even the tsa couldn't over look him.
  6. kawi kid

    CCW Issue

    All bersa's come possessed with the trigger happy ghost of John Browning standard from the factory.
  7. It passed lady night. And from what i read the watered down amendments didn't pass with it.
  8. Problem is when 15 of the last threads you have started and 98% of your posts are in the classifieds trying to hopck your shit are you really here to contribute to the forum or just for personal profit?
  9. So is pretending that the tsa actually doing their job so everyone feels a false sense of security when looking Muhammad sitting across the aisle from you on the plane. But while you were getting fondle job from a fat bearded tsa lady you got to see Muhammad in his man dress get express lane'd without having to do as little as removing his funny sandals.
  10. Exactly. A crazy person is going to use whatever tool he can find.
  11. I have watched numerous movies on this subject and have come to the conclusions I want as little government in my life as I possibly can have. I don't wanna believe the massacre of 9-11 was an inside job but if im wrong I wanna be as far from those responsible as I can be.
  12. I wanna translate part of that..... tsa, which has deployed hundred of scanners as a way to scan old women, children, and basically everyone that isn't of Muslim decent or has a middle eastern background for bombs under their clothing .
  13. want a good laugh got to the new your times and read some of their articles regarding this bill.
  14. I have said for a year now that his first term of presidency was dedicated to healthcare and his second would be aimed at gun control.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvAvth2sMHc&sns=em Lolololololol
  16. Crocodile Dundee voice* That's not a knife this is a knife.
  17. Since 2007 its been there and people are just now getting around to asking questions lol?
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