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kawi kid

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Everything posted by kawi kid

  1. Its like SOF. If pictures were made public there would have to be black bars over the eyes or blurry faces.
  2. Bullshit! It was our money....its like a marriage lol Try adjusting your grip a little an see how it effects it.
  3. What Adam said. Try concentrating on applying he pressure to the trigger straight back. You might be pressing it in a 8 o'clock direction instead of a 6.
  4. Moms birthday and I just now got off work
  5. One night this week possibly.
  6. Research and development departments working hand and hand lol
  7. Yes it was and at the time it protected the rights of owning the best weaponry of its time just like now.
  8. Violent instruments of war.... you mean the things the second amendment enables us the right to keep? That's where the moral and legal obligation to the constitution come to play.
  9. I about said no then I remembered I inherited one.
  10. Stainless is for da gangsters
  11. He covered that in one or two of those interviews and just like you said there are examples of extremism and try try hard to quell that and remove members that are trumpeting ideals agaisnt their beliefs. According to the founder the majority of instances turn out to be nonmembers associating themselves with them.
  12. I don't believe its the national guards job to be the militia, That lies with the citizens IMO.
  13. @cheech The ten year civil war comment was in reference to magley comment about the 2000 service members and 10 years. Fighting here against your own people would be more deadly and take more time. What about the oath keepers is wrong? I know members and gave listened to the founder interviewed about 6 times about an hour each time.
  14. Its not a military target its just a guy with a pistol who can legally own it. Its not war it's on our own soil. But like tpoppa said you have convinced yourself you are right so its like arguing with a child all over again. Back to regular magley programming. Guns are bad.....
  15. So you assume you cousin would come back to his home town and kill any citizen told too?
  16. You don't give our soldiers much credit.
  17. Ten years.... do you think our government wants a ten year civil war here? You think outlet military will look down the sights and see family members and friends and do it? You are delusional. Keep trolling. http://oathkeepers.org/oath/
  18. Tribesmen and goat herdsmen with no education and no training are doing a decent job of making themselves a pain in our militarys ass. Bit do you really think that any military service member is going to follow am order to fire on a citizen of the is on our soil?
  19. Exactly. The troll has been figured out.
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