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kawi kid

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Everything posted by kawi kid

  1. The way it reads to me is she fictional. There is no Dee Dee. She was made up along with her testimony that stated she was in the phone during the encounter.
  2. Sounds right. Then add the trek to the pond too
  3. I took my g-code holster and canted it forward today. Not a big deal but its way more comfortable to wear in the truck. I also deprimed sized and reprimed some rifle cases. I'm well on my way to having an entire ammo can full of hand loaded rounds for the ar's.
  4. kawi kid

    wrecked bike

    I hope exarchs dad bend him over his knee like the petulant child he acted like.
  5. These: http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=89999&highlight=bug+weekend
  6. I should have had a little more forethought.
  7. I'm still open to hosting if folks wanna come. The one we had there was only 2 of us.
  8. What happened to the long ass thread we had in the zombie response social group?
  9. I remember now why I choose gun range over hunting. I've been here for6 hours and haven't pulled a trigger yet.
  10. Is that like being loved in the wrong places?
  11. kawi kid

    Life360 app

    Does your phone just have an arrow on the screen that points at you constantly? perv
  12. Where have you been when we were doing it over summer.
  13. Feels like it.... I think I'm being punished for my absence in January early.
  14. He is right, I have worked straight the last two weeks. Even getting in the truck after church on Sundays.
  15. Why waste your time in pointing him in directions of trying to become educated on the subject? He will look at the Tueller drill and throw in his own parameters to try to make it fit his fixation that nobody is granted the right of self defense. I'm waiting for the "What if Tueller had a pillow?"
  16. I'm off...... sometimes.....
  17. Well played. I will say it has been war since my accident and I have shed lots of deer blood in honor of my beloved 636 may it rest in peace.
  18. my apologies. At $50 less than what speedy's father in law paid this thing is a steal!
  19. I love it. Every thread that magley starts on topics like this you never have to wait long for him to show his ass and his lack of knowledge on the subject. Bravo!
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