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kawi kid

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Everything posted by kawi kid

  1. omfg!!!!! do you remember falling after we walked outside? you were in the process of convincing me that i was "way way drunker than you" then i hear a thud and you are down
  2. gl with the sale (free bump)
  3. at least you are safe and sound now.
  4. dude pure amazing i wanted to sit in one so bad but they all had signs in them not too.
  5. i wanted too bad dude. but i didnt bring the 60 thousand it would take to own it.
  6. i said that last night after i took a bunch of them one the dance floor, PETA is going to be calling
  7. cleave's gf was interested in one too, but i doubt he will be on seein as the end of the night he was singing into a beer bottle and trying to convince me i was more drunk than him.
  8. here is all of them that was just a few of them. http://s51.photobucket.com/albums/f399/2000itrguy/dtc%20ims%20show%20and%20party%202010/
  9. mods pic.... cleaver just helping size up the ass'les chaps.....
  10. just got mine up loaded....... give me five and ill have them posted
  11. i just went through all those and they were amazing dude!! im home btw now everyone. made it in under two hours
  12. o dude i got some priceless ones! the one of cleaver in front of everyone and nobody would give him a mic so he was using the bottom of a beer bottle.
  13. officiel thread! i cant wait to get home to post these but i got a 2 hour drive....... so someone hole me over till i get home with yours!!! awesome night guys thanks for the great memories!
  14. started a new thread for pics! lol btw im at breakfast where you all?
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