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kawi kid

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Everything posted by kawi kid

  1. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?p=833344#post833344
  2. Since some people still want to go around assuming shit and I'm getting tired of it here is a podcast you can listen to. Episode 216... http://www.palladium-education.com/practicaldefense.shtml Its apparent some people still want to sit around and make assumptions instead of looking at Florida law and the facts. In 50 minutes you can have a pretty good understanding of both here.
  3. kawi kid

    Fun TSA facts

    I always opt out.
  4. Or those who know my cell number shoot me a text.
  5. Its always the days I'm the busiest when all the shit goes down.
  6. I think I should be off work.on Friday by 5. Time for Saturday is whenever you make it if in staying on Friday night. Peds can be taken in the outhouse that is there . We can shoot in the afternoon for awhile or what ever. Pm me for directions and address.
  7. Camping the first one. And where the fuck were all the suggestions when I was begging for them two weeks ago assholes?!?!? Its gotta be the 12 I already took the day off. People can come and go as they please if you have to leave early for mothers days stuff.
  8. Well hopefully you can male the next one.
  9. http://www.amazon.com/Brunton-Restore-Solar-Panels-Battery/dp/B004LSPQC4/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&qid=1335745397&sr=8-12
  10. I camp to get away and unplug....
  11. You shouldn't go to dangerous places like that
  12. I see where you are coming from with all those suggestions but I still say no matter what you do it all depends on the prosecutor. Also a good defense lawyer will know how to go about all that. If I have a 5# connector in my glock I would hope he would be able to argue for accuracy being the reason for the switch.
  13. I wonder if this crazy bitch would go outside and open her mouth and try to take big ol' bite and chew it up?
  14. Wellll one more down!
  15. I hope that guy is in marketing.
  16. Don't fire lead our of your glock.
  17. There is tons of info online about them. You are more than welcome to come hang out and meet some folks.
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