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Big Chief201

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Everything posted by Big Chief201

  1. Considering I live about 5 blocks from there I'd walk over put my name in and walk home but that's here nor there I'd still wait in line.
  2. Ill wait in line at thurmans for you and four friends to eat and give you $7.00
  3. http://www.cnn.com/2010/POLITICS/09/24/colbert.house.immigration/index.html?hpt=T2 summary enjoy....
  4. you guys missed it, he made a mockery of the entire thing but made some valid points. His greatest comment was "about democrats being out of jobs in november so they could go work in the fields."
  5. Stephen Colbert Live testifying on Immigration http://www.dc50tv.com/videobeta/?watchLive=sns-colbert-immigration-reform-tivid-live This has got to be good.
  6. Raise your kids to be athletes or musicians get monies back in return = win win situation.
  7. I've played those damn games all day while I'm at work and have never been able to get top score I must be really bad at those things.
  8. My girlfriend is somewhat of a nanny and has worked in multiple child care places and she vows if/when we have kids she will never put them in those places because of the things shes seen. The kids she nanny's have the most extensive vocabulary and are far beyond their peers in their classes in terms of knowledge. With that being said I suggest getting someone with a background in child care the first years are the most important.
  9. I'll be more then happy to move it in my truck for anyone as long as its around cbus for a few bucks of gas. I dont live to far from KruelHouse
  10. http://www.ranger-forums.com/f104/ check that out they have a ton of ford rangers and F150's for sale for decent prices. good luck
  11. Keira Knightley in "Domino" Nuff said
  12. Ive never laughed so hard at someones misfortune until now
  13. I unfortunately am in a wedding this Saturday where I will be missing probably the best weekend of college football involving the Big 10+2 all season. I will need updates though.. feel free to text away.
  14. I remember our group ride awhile back where you (Ben) got tagged pretty good by a bird. That same day I ran through some rotting carcass, my bike smelled nice after that.
  15. Horse power sells bikes, Torque wins races Mathematically speaking: HP = (TQ*RPM) / 5252
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