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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. Dont care. Go bitch and moan somewhere else.
  2. This guy is not only a genius, but correct.
  3. Well, due to not wanting to take a chance of stinkin up the yard, we took the pinko way out and covered the cage and opened the lid.....but I almost shot him in the face just to piss you beetches off.
  4. Agreed. If you still had your rifle, I'd give you the honor.
  5. Stop boo hooing on my skunk thread. You dish it out, expect it back in spades. Welcome to OR sweetheart. We are all about helping each other out, but we prefer to help people who are not fucking annoying about it. You dont just jump on the site and say, "Hi, Im Sarah. Who wants to work on my bike at my place and BTW, i cant afford the parts it takes to fix it." Sell your bike and buy toilet paper. I called you (and others) a hippie as a joke because you bubbys seem soooo upset about me killing varmints. Guess what, I kill tons of varmints. So do LOTS of other members. Maybe you should join a no kill bike site. Thanks man. We are about to attempt to release it. I really want it dead, but not at the cost of smelling up the neighborhood. I need to find a way to scare them off since my dog is too stupid to stay away from them.
  6. Shouldnt you get back to begging guys to work on your bike for free? Unfortunately, its the spring loaded type. I have considered this, but if I get sprayed, or is sprays in the general vicinity, its gonna cost me at least one night of sleeping in the garage....and I kinda like my bed. What I really need is a friend with a scoped hi-power rifle to stop by and let me do what needs to be done. I dont trust the .22 to be humane.
  7. If you release it in my yard, I will cap it right then and there. Skunks are not cuddly little creatures, they are pests that cause property damage and carry disease. Do any non-hippies have any suggestions to safely euthanize this smelly bastard?
  8. Headshots don't work. Gotta hit its heart.
  9. I will kill every skunk I come in contact with. I WILL NOT take a chance of getting sprayed. I WILL NOT take a chance of my dog getting sprayed. You want to release it, come get it.
  10. Whatever dude, fuck off. Fuckin Hippies
  11. Are you fucking serious? I'd much rather he suffer than my dog or myself suffer. This retarded polecat has ruined my day. He can suffer there in the shade until I choose the form of his destruction. Have you ever pooped with a leash tied to your neck and some guy standing over you? Cuz my dog hasn't.
  12. I have to dispatch it today if I can figure out a way to do it without it spraying. Otherwise, it $50 I really dont want to spend.
  13. I have a livetrap in the backyard for catching "city vermin". It has been sitting open, unbaited for most of summer as dispatching urban rodentia is more of a winter sport. This morning the wife wakes me up to angrily report that there is a stinky striped cat in the live trap, dont let the dog out there and get rid of it. Now I have 2 options, A)Shoot it. I have a .22, a .22WMR, a .38 and .44 carbine, and a 12ga. available, but only the .22 is scoped. I dont really want to shoot it unless I can drop it with out it spraying, and I live in town, so I will have to shoot it from the kitchen window. It has a heavy backdrop of logs. My research shows spraying after shooting to be a 50/50 situation, with the best chances on a heart or spine shot. Not good odds and hard to do with a rolled up stinkbag and a 4x scope. Or B) pay the local nuisance eradicator $50 to deal with it tomorrow, which ruins my plans of yardwork today and I have a dog that cant hold her piss forever, and will immediately run straight to it if I let her out. She LOVES the striped cats. Any serious suggestions?
  14. Man that sux. You guys getting out of riding all together? Bump for 2 extremely clean bikes.
  15. Looks good to me, except that there are no guns for sale. Bookmarked.
  16. Oril is spoken for. Thanks for all the interest. Lock er up.
  17. They are 12". I don't have them yet. I ordered them on thursday. They should be here next week. If they can be done on a car tire machine, I have access to one at a buddys shop.
  18. Thats right kids!! I have 10 bottles of Valvoline 2-stroke oil for free to the first person that shows up to get it. No resellers. You must use it. PM me for address.
  19. Its not a big deal to run them somewhere. Can they be done with an ordinary tire machine?
  20. max power

    Baby Ben

    Angel called it! 7-7-11, easy one to remember. Congrats my friends.
  21. Now put a bullet on that varmint dog and replace him with this one. Doesn't look like a door eater.
  22. You need to put midget porn in the notes. That's where you screwed up.
  23. max power


    Road 2's are what I am running, but powers probaby have a slight grip advantage and might be slightly cheaper.
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