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Everything posted by cbrjess0815

  1. Thats terrifying. To go through a curve and have somebody being a lazy ass becasue they want to blow the double yellow is just terrible. RIP
  2. ill be at work... otherwise i totally would
  3. holy bejeebus!! You wanna get in shape?? Join the Army.. I really dont think there is a single muscle on my entire body that isnt sore as fuck right now!!! I ran the most this weekend I EVER have in my life and I had no idea how hard a real pushup actually is!!! I did pretty damn good at them for my first time(especially for a girl) but holy shit, i had no idea what i was getting myself into!
  4. you might need to get some monday night... I usually go thru 2 5gal cans and have a lil bit left over by the end of the 2nd day... My 600 might be different than yours though
  5. There is a perfect spot right by the pits that you can get some really decent pictures in turn 12/13 with even an average camera.. someone just bring a girlfriend to take the pix!!
  6. he only needs the money bc he owes me!! (and has another race to prepare for) but IMO the latter is way more important than a race . and im still pissed i didnt get his race bike.. After riding the 600 i have totally decided i am SOOO getting one. its amazing. nd i cant believe i fgured out gp shift so quick.. ugh, cant wait to get a race bike soon
  7. wow.. this absolutely ridiculous... my friend got a dece deal on a bike bc of a dude's misfortune of gettng married and being a complete dumbass and selling his not so trashed bike with a clean title at a helluva price. which I knew all about the sale and probably could have intervened or bought had i had the cash at the time. But no, Gixxie got and bought it. but yea, he got a deal... and now he is selling it closer to it's actual value.. OMG!!! WHAT A SURPRISE!! so what if he aims high??? usually that results in lower... The only reason half of the assholes on here want to flame away is so that they have thier chance to flame away at the assfaultjunkie. If anyone other than a junkie had posted such an ad, ths thread would not even exist. it would be all "oh g/l with the sale, let me suck you off..." sorry but its true... He's trying to sell a bike.. not display wheelie videos or the video of us getting arrested in Boone county... the flame fest based on screen name is a little unnecessary...
  8. HELL YEA!! Have fun! you better win!!!
  9. It's whatev.. the bike will sell for its value to the buyer. It might not be 6K, but thats a good bargaining point to start from. I'd buy it if I had my bonus by now... of course we'd wheel and deal too... I know what he paid for it and I also know what I would pay for it.. G/L with the sale homie... I think the reason people get so emo about it is because it's Gixxie and not a golden child of OR, he's like the black sheep to some.. It happens...
  10. lol.. i cant believe i missed this thread haha.. I cant believe I made it on the first page!
  11. +1 awesome!! I needed that!! lol
  12. I cant do that Putnam day because I have RSP... I don't think I can get out of it but I can find out. Putnam is a super fun track but I have ben riding it quite a bit this year. I will let you know..
  13. I order all mine directly from underarmour.com if you order it today you should have it in time.. I've bought a couple of my shirts from Dick's tho
  14. You'll pick it up quick.. I was amazed at how fast I figured it out. You only screw up with it once LOL
  15. Welcome to the site
  16. 1 week left for ya'll!! I bet you guys are sooo pumped!! Woot for trackdays lol It's pretty sad when I get all pumped up for a trackday that I cant even do
  17. I should be able to make this as long as I am not in Cumberland...
  18. I get a hangover every time i drink now... I have decided to quit drinking liquor for awhile to give my poor liver a rest...
  19. Ousley is really fast at putnam, as long as he stays away from the edge in turn 9... lol Putnam is an awesome first track! Have fun. If I didn't have drill i'd totally be down to go with!!
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