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Everything posted by cbrjess0815

  1. It's totally worth it to check out at least once, even if it is a haul...
  2. Ha!! I didn't... and I would rather not discuss why or I'd just get mad again
  3. As soon as i get my bike back i am sooooo down.. Ill let ya know! 165 was the really smooth road with super long sweepers that you can just fly on. 10 is definitely really tore up but i kow it so well that i can keep my line on the smooth parts.. Im used to the potholes so some of them i can just hit and bounce back now..
  4. Now this is awesome.. This thread is no longer a complete fail..
  5. That soounds like lou and marydeth maybe... the locals ride down there too
  6. Yep yep!!! At least every Sunday possible!!
  7. Glad you had a good trip down there Nick... 22, 1504, 165 they are all so amazing! My fave places to ride for sure!!!
  8. no I am not but the guys at work all found some super hot women on there and are now dating them.. i was impressed
  9. pof is like the new match.com... everyone of my techs at work use it
  10. congrats!! I bet you are beyond excited mines gonna be awhile i guess too
  11. How long have you been down?
  12. you should totally buy some of the parts that Apch8r has for sale for your bike!!! He's got some good shit! especially the clipons and the PCIII

  13. cbrjess0815


    girl, you are gonna come across ALL KINDS of sweet little features you never thought possible!! you are gonna be spoiled as hell now
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