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Everything posted by cbrjess0815

  1. I bet... i have heard nothing good in a long time. Its really iffy as to whether they will have it done in less than a month
  2. Not really.. i will try to find out tonight though. Cycle options are in the know with that shit so i need to call Kenny and see
  3. cbrjess0815


    Thats what i was thinking, MJ
  4. i think i'm about to start staying out of the intro forum from now on...
  5. cbrjess0815


    wow its newb takeover all of teh sudden...
  6. E, you better come to this! we can ride down together if you do!!!! Did I tell you my parents bought me a trailer
  7. Why??? That was totally wrong... Welcome, btw...
  8. ok so its lookin like money wont be an issue for this but tires might be.. I am definitely gonna try to make this happen now. I hope its gonna be ready
  9. cbrjess0815


    LOL... My first thought when I read this was "is he talking about zerocrash???" then i figured it out!
  10. cbrjess0815


    Whoa... This thread is going places...
  11. ninjachk, we can get a place up there together when we get back from basic training! if you're still gonna stay here!
  12. cbrjess0815


    how would he not know??? He's on the site!!
  13. dammit! i would be down if i was up there!!
  14. Thank God you are ok!!! That's definitely a miracle and thats a very good thing that you were wearing a helmet! Alot of people just dont see the importance of them but they WILL save your life when life throws ya these curve balls. Keep your head up and I hope you get a good settlement with the trucking company.. Get a good lawyer and I hope you have a speedy recovery
  15. I cant ever get anybody to take 165 anymore.. everybody is scared of it.. with good reason I suppose. those drop off cliffs are definitely some scary shit!!
  16. when i get my bike back I will take a handful of you dayton peeps down if ya'll want to.. it wont be til after july 4th due to playing army and then the track
  17. cbrjess0815


    You better do a trackday someday! The SV can be a helluva track machine!! I want to try on the track!!
  18. Oh snap! I cant wait! I hope they dont ruin it too!
  19. cbrjess0815


    i cant wait to see where this goes when i get back from lunch
  20. that might be it but i didnt think it was a race but i could be wrong.. ill know as soon as someone freakin texts me back. (seems the to be the impossible task for everyone today)
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