oh damn... ouch! you just killed the entire the theory that me and KISS morning crew came up with! We were aware this theory existed and aired it on the morning show in Cinci. It all stemmed from a girl that called in and said she only hangs out with fat girls because it made her feel better about herself because she didn't have to face rejection when the guys thought she was the hot one in the group. So Tim and MMCMG aired the phone call and asked everyone their opinion on it. I personally dont see the point or value or even the selfrespective-whatever-you-wanna-call-it attribute for this action. If I felt that bad about myself where i could only surround myself with ugly people to feel attractive, then please someone shoot me. but I was appalled at the amount of people that share this ideal.. i mean seriously, have some respect for yourselves. If you go out and a dude thinks you're hotter than another girl then who hoo. BUT, if you go out and a dude likes your friend, then be happy for her, not jealous he didn't pick you. for real!!