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Everything posted by cbrjess0815

  1. Fort Jackson for basic then to Bird(i think) for 18 weeks at for AIT
  2. Thanks for the support everyone! I will be in communications as a signal support systems specialist and I will also get trained 31B as an MP once I get into my unit. My unit is an MP unit here in Cincinnati. I'm excited, I was always attracted to the military but to much of a pussy to think I would make it through boot camp. It's definitely gonna change my life. I dont want to be 30 and and still be sitting in a shithole parts dept make 30K a year the rest of my life. The Guard is going to pay for 100% of my tuition too so when I get back I am going to go to the police academy to eventually be a police officer!
  3. u might be able to borrow mine. I have a trackday on the 4th of july though so i would have to get them back right away. and that depends on if you want to drive all the way down here to get them
  4. If you can find one, I'm down.. otherwise I will be at a pool all day soaking up the 82 degree sun!
  5. I joined the National Guard this week. I ship out for basic Aug 31st. So we gotta make this summer awesome because I will be gone for 6 months. It kinda works out because I will be back in time for next season so that will definitely be good. Anybody that would like to keep in touch when I'm gone send me addresses so I can keep them in my little black book so I can write everybody for the first 9 weeks!! Wish me luck!
  6. wow recon, thats your lucky post... 1111, make a wish sorry, totally off topic
  7. dangbrughy usually has some edumacated opinions on this topic.. I dont yet, but i will soon.....
  8. must be nice!! i am responsible for my own cuteness(therefore my hair) which means automatic FAIL! lol
  9. lolz ok cool... i was like omg i just had this very same conversation on the goddamned radio, and it has spilled to the interwebz, ohhhh noooeessss!!!
  10. welcome to the site... i'm glad ousley didn't scare you off... you havent met any of us junkies yet though so its too soon to tell... LMAO..
  11. oh damn... ouch! you just killed the entire the theory that me and KISS morning crew came up with! We were aware this theory existed and aired it on the morning show in Cinci. It all stemmed from a girl that called in and said she only hangs out with fat girls because it made her feel better about herself because she didn't have to face rejection when the guys thought she was the hot one in the group. So Tim and MMCMG aired the phone call and asked everyone their opinion on it. I personally dont see the point or value or even the selfrespective-whatever-you-wanna-call-it attribute for this action. If I felt that bad about myself where i could only surround myself with ugly people to feel attractive, then please someone shoot me. but I was appalled at the amount of people that share this ideal.. i mean seriously, have some respect for yourselves. If you go out and a dude thinks you're hotter than another girl then who hoo. BUT, if you go out and a dude likes your friend, then be happy for her, not jealous he didn't pick you. for real!!
  12. oh my... maybe i should bring the booty back lol
  13. ugh that sucks!!!! The good news is the Hooters on the river in Newport is only 15 minute from the one in beechmont... and the girls are WAY hotter
  14. That sucks!! Good luck finding it
  15. Wish i could make it guys... I will come up and ride soon though!
  16. Thats true.. He may be used to it like that and I was just weirded out by being on a different bike..
  17. omg.. I finally get some pictures and the websense blocks them! DAMNIT!
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