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Everything posted by cbrjess0815

  1. welcome to the site... spelling kills btw
  2. cbrjess0815


    oh boy where could this go... welcome to the site
  3. Madcat there is a weekend at nelson in July but I cant remember which one. I am going to it so I will post up the info when I get it! I may or may not be doing Putnam Aug 2nd. Might be in Florida, not totally sure yet.
  4. July 4/5 Grattan(counter clockwise) STT $265 for both days
  5. Cool, well the vagina discount will knock some of that off for me so thats not too bad. I'd probably only do 1 day as well I may not even be able to go... it might be sold out already. I will have to check that tonight
  6. I have Grattan the weekend before that and Nelson at some point in July also.. It totally depends on funds but since its only an hour from my house I might sign up if i have the extra cash... How much was the day?
  7. I know what you mean.. went through the same damn thing in march!
  8. woot for air time... i'm gonna experience a fraction of that soon!!
  9. cbrjess0815


    oh yea, btw: BEST BIKE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. welcome! double post in different forums.. lol he's learning fast!
  11. I didn't say they were arrogant, i said i was leary about some titles!! Isle of Mann.. mmm, cant wait to see it now All these people just keep reminding me how I am slow and will never catch any fast people ever
  12. I cant see the video until I get home tonight but that type of title has me leary already.. there has been an awful lot of arrogance on this site lately
  13. all it takes is the seat time and the confidence that you can do it!!! dood, if a girl can do it, you can right??? lol.. you're gonna be a tough case but i'll break ya of that theory!!!
  14. welcome to the site!
  15. Usually in group rides there are fast riders and slow riders that more or less stick together. The fast group takes off and the slower people stay in the back and we just wait at the stoping spots to chill and wait for them. it works out really well for us. I would never say experienced riders only on our rides... Doesn't mean we'll go slow for them, just means we wont leave them iin the middle of nowhere and wont get them lost....
  16. I think if you go down there with me you might change your mind.. you'd be amazed the difference it can make when following peeps that know the roads
  17. On those roads it wouldn't matter not having the power, especially 22 because of how curvy it is... its just turn after turn and its awesome. It would definitely suck getting stuck behind a car though. Taking a car down there would scare the crap out of me though.
  18. i still hate you... you're welcome for introducing you to the poor whipped boy whose nuts are on some bitches mantle right now...
  19. noooo!!!! That is such a beautiful machine!!! G/L with sale but not cool!!
  20. I am fairly certain its gonna die now... lol
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