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Everything posted by cbrjess0815

  1. http://www.madflydesign.com/mig here are the rest of the pics.. it was mostly junkies at this trackday, but the photographer got some good ones of attackpainter and kyle hunter. And me on kyle's bike ( ) too bad he didn't get my crash though. that would have been sweet!!
  2. ok now i am certain something weird is going on. I see no pictures!!!! and i just tried to go to photobucket and it websensed!! OH NOES! The assholes upstairs caught on
  3. Before eating shit on Saturday.... All the other photos taken of me were on kyle's bike. I was taking it easy on that one though
  4. lol i know.. as soon as i saw it i about died!!!

  5. are you serious? do i have to explain that for real?
  6. the forum drama is gettin thick up in here!
  7. it might take some time to sift thru 10 pages of bs... i probably wouldnt even respond to the thread anyway... no point to dumping fuel into a fire in the middle of a desert
  8. Sweet Ross, thats my fave color scheme too!!! Congrats
  9. welcome to the site.... Honda FTW!!!
  10. i did that once at the track and the battery died between sessions... i dont usually use the kill switch i try to use the key as much as possible
  11. Thats pretty much what mine would do too.... did he give you a price?
  12. welcome to the site... i'm not too far from Cheviot. When I get my bike back ill let ya know when to go out on some sweet ass roads
  13. I would. fo sho. its really not worth the giant pain in the ass and chunk of cash required to get one made... its not quite the same as losing your car keys at all
  14. Mike, you may want to call the predator... he's really good for this kinda stuff.. thats how he rode his 750 all last year with his race plastics on.
  15. That sucks. it very difficult to get one made without the key code. my locksmith at work did manage to make one when my buddy lil chris lost his. but it will cost you. give me a call and I'll see what I can have done for you...
  16. I'm considering this as well. we'll see though. thats alot of money and i am going to need tires
  17. lol maybe it was a fluke but my scan ran fine. i havent been on any sites other than here myspace and the junkies
  18. OMG i was haulin some seriuos ass before it happened too omg i know.. and it pushes back building the gsxr even that much more!!!
  19. weird. it's happened twice today with ads for harley davidson...
  20. We have pop-up ads now??
  21. lol i know, it was definitely a crash weekend!!! mass people went down! and no they don't count. they can be hurt too!!!
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