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Everything posted by cbrjess0815

  1. I have both twist of the wrists on pdf.. I can email them??
  2. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Next Sunday we will be riding.. You have no excuse. You'll already be at the party
  4. talk like that and you'lll stay slow. you need practice
  5. welcome to the site! lookin forward to riding this year! woot for more girl riders!
  6. I didn;t make it out til later in the afternoon. Met up with a few ppl I didn;t know then took a lil trip down 17 into Falmouth just in time to run into Monger and predator at shell. Ran up 22 and 10 for a badass day of riding! yay!
  7. if the weather is nice ill be running 10/22 in the morning
  8. maybe... i'm a lil hungover. I want to ride but my brain isnt quite there. I might take a nap and then come meet up and ride
  9. i live off 75 down into cinci.. by UC sort of. Brandon's is on the other side of the world lol. But its like my second home

  10. today really wasnt so bad it only just now started raining.. I may still ride. I've ridden 10/22 in the rain before i'm not too woried about that. Hopefully it was just be scattered tomoro
  11. I need to figure out something to do with my license plate as well...
  12. Like anyone is actually looking at the numbers here....
  13. +1 I LOVE the fact that no one can get ahold of me when I'm riding
  14. RED-- shadows... I effing love their new cd
  15. I wanted to come the 21st but doing trackdays on weekdays is really difficult for me to make happen. BG would be easier since its 45 minutes from my work. I need to look at some schedules and figure it out I guess.
  16. I definitely want to get better! I am easy to teach because I listen and actually think about applying each piece of advice while I'm out on the track. Attackpainter ran out of gas in his session so he was stuck out in the deadbear cornerworker station when intermediate went out for our session. He got to watch me go through a whole session closeup and was able to give me some advice that really helped me improve from day to day. Hopefully we'll run across each other in the near future! Let me know if you come across a day you think would be good for me!!!
  17. 1.26/1.27 consistently.. I need to work on smoothness and it will definitely help me out. I was getting kind of erratic and twitchy by the end of Sunday.
  18. I was smart enough to avoid any trackside photos!! LOL they wouldn't have been that great yea that one threw me off!! I try... I'm ready for more!!!
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