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Everything posted by cbrjess0815

  1. As soon as I have them I will post them.. I'm not gonna push them to get them all sorted out though. Kyle has like 500+ pics to sift through so it always takes a lil time
  2. Oh I did.. there are many better pics out there than that one.. I worked on body position ALOT yesterday thanks to Attackpainter. He definitely helped out. I gained so much corner speed. Next I am going to try smoothness. Thats the next thing I want to work on. I have Twist of the wrist on PDF so I just read it all day at work and that helped me out alot too. I wear sunglasses to keep my contacts from drying out mid turn... thats pretty dangerous too...
  3. so if you crash glass doesnt get on the track
  4. That helmet is AWESOME! Everyone I know that has one absolutely loves theirs.. I'd definitely go with that one
  5. thats nothing.. wait til you see the other ones!!
  6. Here is one of me trying to get around one of the junkies!!! It was definitely a battle that session
  7. ??? There are pics of us on the track but I have to wait for them!!! jeez. We'll have them this week!!
  8. looks like it was quite a blast... Wish I could have made it but we'll do it again soon!!
  9. The back protector fit perfect, thank you so much Catman!!! true story. Thats exactly what I thought when I got your text too.......
  10. Nope, no crashes in our group! It really was an almost perfect weekend
  11. Brandon, Apch8r was with me at Putnam...
  12. KICK ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's all I gotta say. What a GREAT weekend.. Good weather, good battles, I got faster and faster! I'm going back to Putnam next weekend just because I CAN! Woot!!!!! Pics to come soon thanks to Kyle Hunter!(Who did awesome for a first trackday! Got super fast too!!!)
  13. oooh snap! Sorry for the double drunk post.. this may make a triple
  14. hmmm... come over and find some chicken strips on my shit. I will give you a grand if you do... oh and while you're at it, tell me if you think i need to buy knee pucks while im in a generous mood...
  15. Good lord you people act like pics and video is God's gift to man.... Honestly the gift is the throwing the knee down and knowing the person in front of is SSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much slower so you are about to learn how to passsss! not how to make icing on the cake look perfect.(sorry, that really is the woman's job) I'll have many pics to back this staement up as the weekk pogresses... toodles
  16. The link for directions to the state park http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=cincinnati%2C+oh&daddr=39.47917%2C-86.88333+%28Richard+Lieber+State+Park%29&hl=en
  17. again, this statement has "Adam Parks" wrote all over it :D
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