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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. drum sticks? You must have me mistaken with some one who plays the drums.
  2. Toyota might do it very different then honda. Cause they were very easy going was straight forward with no grey areas. Might be best to call them and see how there process is.
  3. Not sure how it works with Toyota, but I leased my 2012 accord and turn in couldn't of been easier. about 2 months -6 weeks before your turn in time they call and schedule inspection (they came tom y home) and inspected the entire car top to bottom which took about 45 minutes. they then go over the entire process. During the inspection they informed me they allow up to like 2 k in damages automatically free of charge. I had a baseball side scuff on my rear bumber and the person doing the inspection laughed when I asked if I needed to get it fixed before turning in. I guess they get some pretty beat up stuff They took pictures to document all the "damage" for there records. After the inspection they sign off saying good to go, and then when its time to turn it in you just cal a local dealer who will accept it in(they all are supposed to but a lot will all of a sudden say they don't have any times to accept it and make you go somewhere else. PS forget you Lindsay Honda) then you just schedule to drop it off , quick glance over you fill out some paperwork and be on your way. So long as nothing happened between your inspection and turn in your golden .
  4. We talking some fancy Ferrari or something? Just drive the dang thang princess.
  5. ^saw those and I cant imagine a better set up plus it can be used for other things besides bikes.
  6. This is not a private track rental, this is just a normal test and tune that trails runs, we are just offering the use of a suite that day.
  7. we dont need to know how long you last in bed.
  8. Chipotle is offering a Bogo(by one get one) promo right now If you play there 1minute game. Go to, Alovestorygame.com Verified it from chipotle.com find the ingredients reign add on there home page then scroll down to "a love story" Doesn't matter if you win or lose you get the bogo coupon texted to you after you play the 1 minute game. I got the text right away you follow the link to an actual imagine with a bar code thingy. Cant go wrong with free chipotle, Enjoy.
  9. DING DING, buy something you guys can afford, she will appreciate what ever you get her, as the main joy of this should be the marriage, not the material item on her finger. If that is important lol then might want to re think it. I bought my wife what I could afford at the time she loves it cause of what it means, at the 5 or 10 year mark I will go and get her some bling bling piece to have. Another thing is go in her jewelry box and grab some of her rings to get a size for her, that's the easiest way with out asking her what her ring size is. As for what to style to buy her good luck, I got lucky my wife likes thing to be very simple.
  10. Holy crap i kept waiting for the crash. Thats nuts
  11. SRTurbo04


    Not at work no, at home yes.
  12. SRTurbo04


    I cant seem to find any information about this, you have a link to something im missing? cause my wife and I were definitely charged for going over the last 2 months.
  13. SRTurbo04


    Surf CR all day, facebook, Pandora, youtube, and some Netflix if I have enough data left
  14. Holy crud, people actually accept those rates?
  15. SRTurbo04


    I sure hope so. My wife refuses to leave this dam company, and we go over out data every single month. I had better service with tmobile and had unlimited everything ahhh for 12+years !!!!!!
  16. He needs a dealership to finance is what it looks like, so private sales might be out of the options.
  17. Were you the mechanic, that was doing the work? Are you able to get a title for it given that situation( I think a mechanic lean or what ever its called?)
  18. Awd turbo manual in a small grocery getter. Super sleeper
  19. The reputation is "so bad" Yet here you are posting your novels day in and day out, putting your 2 cents into every single thing. Clay i am going to kick you in the balls the next time i see you.... :finger:
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