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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Yes cause that happens with every single neighbor over every dispute every time. :jerkit: if you live your life like this scared of every small disagreement good luck lol
  2. I agree 100%, don't let this fly. Some of the other pansies on here don't think its a big deal. Well yes its only 6 inches, or could possibly even be 24 inches if it gets confirmed either way its YOUR 6/24 inches and your fence that you paid using your hard earned money.
  3. Your uncle is a BOSS! :fuckyeah:
  4. SRTurbo04


    Access to locations, some what reasonable hours. Prefer no atm fees(some do some don't) easy online system with a bill pay feature is nice. One that's not going to jack you around on fees left and right for everything you might need. and good old fashion customer service.
  5. SRTurbo04


    Our sitter doesn't take credit card or check, only cash. So I have to have cash.
  6. SRTurbo04


    A lot of physical check deposits and cash withdrawals.
  7. SRTurbo04


    Nothing financially, just the service we have a issue with.
  8. SRTurbo04


    Looking to Switch to a new bank. Any one have any good experiences with maybe some of the smaller banks? No Fifth third they lost a good sum of my money years back so F them. No US bank due to not enough locations accessible for me where I am. Currently with Huntington. Looking to transfer over a few checking and savings accounts. No investments. Ready GO!
  9. If I kept that KTM that probably would of been me at some point
  10. Lol i actually like that idea. Take sections of your fence down would force him to figure it out.
  11. Sold my boat years ago, but always kept the 3 seater jetski. Sadly i havent used it this year at all and will put it up for sale ( if anyones interested pm me). Will pick up another boat in the next few years. Probably a pontoon though cause im old and lazy and a block from alum creek
  12. Makes sense, I would put it up then take the thing down once its all done. So stupid all the technicalities that has to be met. Good luck.
  13. I know your trying to find the code, but could this be as easy and throwing a few 2x4s up for a few days and not have to worry about finding it and proving it?
  14. So did he say he was going to change it or ?
  15. I've seen him ride, he will get it sideways one way or another lol.
  16. Had a good time, they wouldn't even let my mercury in the parking lot had to park across the street.
  17. Anything going on after this shindig?
  18. huh? The elevators at our work are sketchy and seem to be broken often.
  19. Awesome, hope that you can add more games later somehow, but a good list of games on there!
  20. See there are good people in the world. Glad you were able to get it taken care of quicky.
  21. Some other random ideas, what about renting some quadsa and go off roading for the day at wayne national forest? Or renting a boat at alum creek and spend the day on the lake.
  22. Heck, how would you even get rid of it, even if you just wanted to to just dump it lol
  23. :finger: Nope, not to excited about some dirty girl grinding on me that I can't go home and bang. Different people have opinions. Obviously mine us different from yours, and i could care less.
  24. I agree with bob, go rent a crap ton of some awesome guns and have a good afternoon shooting. I did that, followed up with friends at a bar and ended with some greasy food truck. Ps if your friend doesn't want to go to a strip club then don't try to force him. I had some asshole friends that ditched me on my bachelor party night cause I wouldn't go.I Told them from the beginning it wasn't going to happen ahh well Dick heads.
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