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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Chris pos if when u go maybe ill make a point to come on out.
  2. i dont belive there was. what i got out of this thread is dwigs opened his mouth claiming win that havent even happened yet. ugr car calls him out and well this is the thread
  3. Don't forget apce stickers Um I vote nooo
  4. 100$ for a pillow?? holy hell :fuuuu:
  5. god dam i hate people like that
  6. hmm what time? tempting to bring the old school ski out and whoop some asss
  7. butt hurt cyclists. I need a train horn on my car.. let the lols flyyyyyy
  8. let's talk about pillows. I have super bad neck pain along with my back issues I'm just a wreck so I was seeing what everyone else usses for a pillow? Pros and cons? Best bang for the buck?
  9. Lets play I-Spy... find the dirt on andi's GT3 http://www.pbase.com/timothylauro/image/143747221/original.jpg
  10. Well dam i was hoping you got the hook up bud
  11. Dam did rocky get it? lick every last grain up?
  12. im the same way i jsut tan but the clouds were making it nuts today
  13. now that its good and flying get out the bee bee gun and start target practice
  14. sun...plus bare skin usually means sun burn just saying :lolguy:
  15. Havent been out to cars and coffee in a while was nice to get out. even know i got owned by doc you know the ususal
  16. No free posts no care looks sweet though
  17. When and where will you be out on your little bike ill strap a go pro to the car ... newbs
  18. Do the fried chicken from meijers, then get the sub platter from costco and then just get some of the big sides from there as well the normal stuff chips ect. canes is small and some yahoo gonna eat more and you might run out. save the money get the fried chicken and subs.. also who cares how good it is ... FREE FOOD IS GOOD FOOD btw whats the time i want some fried chicken
  19. what a asshole parent but if anyones ever met rocky hes not a small dude so this would make for some funnnyyyy video
  20. you cant have sporty,car like, towing, and mpg all in one. like others have said get your self a nice 4 door sportys fun car and get a beater truck. bought my ranger for 400 bucks anotehr ranger for 250 and my most recent s10 for 400 all ran great
  21. Bump Trade my battle field3 and 15$ for your mw3 or sell my battle field for 30$
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