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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. odd that so many people use usps..ive had NOTHING but issues with them . ups all the way
  2. ive still got my cr sticker..been on my bike for liek 4 years now
  3. Holy ugly ricer wing batman!!!! Other than that cool story.
  4. dam cobra kept missing a shift it sounded like? eric man your cars running strong these days man keep it up
  5. i still have my g2. i had a spare g2 that i bought for the fiance but she refuses to leave verizion so i sold it. fun fact she went to look at smartphones (she doesnt have one yet) and talked about what her bill would be ..they said 127 a month...for ONE LINE....... thats 50 bucks MORE a month that my tmobile...... dumb... haha
  6. SRTurbo04

    u motherfucks

    me mopar, look like a early 90s rapper.
  7. Click on this link its a loan calculator http://www.bankrate.com/calculators/auto/auto-loan-calculator.aspx
  8. full time and part time. shifts ranging from as early as 6am to coming in as late as 1pm
  9. discover card is hiring in new albany for 12+ (more if you have experience) an hour not auto but the pay is good
  10. hmm also just checked out veizion..not sure if im dumb but i did two phones with data and 700minuites and it would cost 200$ at verizion.... PASSSSSS
  11. .. my fiance has verizion and pays out the ass (more then my plan) and she doesnt even have the data plan. so not sure it would be good to switch lol and nexus prime i donnt see that on tmobiles site... hmm? any one have any experience with the htc sensation 4g?
  12. english? and not really interested in changing carriers unless i can find a plan with someone else for what i pay at tmobile ( 71 for nights weekedns unlimited text, data yada yada)
  13. well i am on the hunt for a new phone... staying with tmobile so the iphone is out. I love my g2.. so another android phone is key. what is out there these days thats worth a dam?
  14. might meet up if theres something going on. probably wont quite make the trek up to docs
  15. SRTurbo04


    have fun in salem my best friends from there and ive been up a few times...its fun for all of two seconds.... the mall is kinda cool though btw you will learn to hate all the one way dam streets
  16. no thanks. anyways back to zombieland nut up or shut up
  17. wish i could find the robby gordon jump at the glamiss double in glamis... damm
  18. maybe he was trying to load his boat in a fast time but figured out it was impossible to load it fast since hes not a professional so he lost control adn ended up like that... :jerkit:
  19. hater. faster than your audi from a roll, 30mpg, cheap parts . great for drag racing autox and daily driving..
  20. is on at 8pm on fx.... let the laughing begin... sooo excited.!!!!
  21. : Typical cr response to someone trying to do something nice for cr.....
  22. What is this car maintnence you speak of?
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