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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Tim you are disturbed lol I think the best bet is to do the game camera (since its temporary) so I can find the little bastards. I don't care if I have to go door to door with the picture, I will find them!
  2. we are very welcoming, post in here friday im sure others are going and you can join in.
  3. :lolguy: very true. God that would suck ha.
  4. Our township has a no solicitation ordinanace of any sorts, so those people and the like get pushed out of our development real quick. Greg you scare me. To be clear, I don't want to cause any physical harm to them by me. I do want to catch the bastards, get there picture and address and have a talk with there parents about the constant harassment.
  5. If its wood, why not just burn it in a fire pit? and post on craigslists for the metals to be picked up for scrap.
  6. Oh just EAD I like the idea of the game camera, easy to place and not permanent. I wish, I just moved up here last year, not moving again. ha! Sweet jesus!
  7. Why dont i want to catch them? The front of my house is lit up like the 4th of july with my outdoor house lights. Thats the thing, bold fuckers coming up when its that lit up lol. Never heard of these, will have to check them out.
  8. Disclaimer, I am not a old grumpy asshole. About once a week for the last month or so between 830pm-10pm, and a few times after 1am some punk kids things its funny to run up ring my door bell ten times then run. This has been going on for more then a month but has been random. Some might see this as harmless but its happened so much that it wakes my 2 year old up(any parent can see why thats a issue) and the times its been 1am it scares the wife cause why the fuck rings a door bell at 1am? My first recourse was to try to catch them after the door bell rings, but my fat ass doesn't get off the couch as quick as i used to Spare me the "there probably just kids" I am sorry but you don't do that crap in this day any more. You especially dont do it at 1am, your just asking to get shot. What do i do here short of getting security cameras to try to catch them? Callthe police? What would you do?
  9. Thats a great looking truck chandler!
  10. Bump $25 come get it this weekend. Also willing to trade for a small gun/lock box to fit in a drawr for a single gun.
  11. Wow it's nice out. I will be out around 8 after I put the little one to bed, see you guys in a bit.
  12. Yes but how many of those are broken or needs service daily? dam you. Can you come fix out elevators at Aetna, these things seem to be broken weekly :fuuuu:
  13. Always was intrigued and thought about pursing it but always thought that it would be a small market to work in no?
  14. dangggggg I just donated a metrix ton of crap to other people last month. She need a sweet crib?
  15. SRTurbo04


    Is this to a junk yard?
  16. Good to hear sir! That white looks great in person! Don't think your out of this too. We need the updates on your car, and if you have found the replacement for the wifes car yet?
  17. Not sure if i missed a update thread, but looks like cars alive and out racing. Saw it on a trailer with some race #s on it on polaris parkway today. Hows the car running chris?
  18. Weathers super overcast up here. Any one going?
  19. Looks like it to me? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyota_Tundra#First_generation_.282000.E2.80.932006.29
  20. This place has a awesome play ground for the kids. Has huge Normal kid play ground, and a smaller kid play ground (1.5-3 year old )
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