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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Pooey, wish it was at Blocks this weekend, the car would make it there, just don't think I want to try the hwy yet...:( When does this end for the season? Or does it?


    last one for blocks was like 2 weeks ago.


    blocks will be no more. gezz pay attention! :bangbang:

  2. The discussion in here shows a lack of understanding of store policies and procedure. When one returns a defective xbox360 Walmart doesn't take a hit for that, Microsoft does......the company that manufactured the device in the first place. Walmart simply marks it as defective and Microsoft reimburses them for the unit.


    @Dover INTEGRITY would be proactively correcting KNOWN issues with your product and providing proper support instead of dismissing hundreds and thousands of concerns that have been tested and proven to exist.


    @ Mojoe Anyone who actually knows me would never have an issue purchasing anything from me because unlike others, I stand by anything that I do or sell because that is what INTEGRITY is....

    you really think that that happens quickly? no the company would probably have to wait weeks if not MONTHS for a reimbursement.


    an xbox will fix it but you have to send it to xbox wooptie freekign do. atleast there willing to fix it .


    wow you really are a tool....

  3. modded xbox controller...uh, well...I've pretend-killed thousands with it before...some zombies even. ;)

    if you really use a modded controller you really are a pathetic bitch just saying



    Take your pick



    wow you are fucked...


    i have a empty coke bottle and a thing of suave lotion.


    i guess ill have nice skin before then eat me.

  4. I'm new to the CR groupand wanted to throw a shout out to all the members...Pics of my Magnum coming soon....Holla atcha boy


    "Holla atcha boy" why the hell would we holler at you?


    Wanted to give a shout out? ???





  5. My thing is people get perma banned for threatening members...



    But this guy had his car towed.. and spray painted it.. why the fudge isant her perma banned for fucking with a mans car? After all this is a CAR forum an this man obviosuly wanted to threaten this car.


    Anthony? Brian has a nice penis carter?

  6. look in the trees/tall grass around the course. friend of mine picked up 3 a few weeks ago. lawl.


    Been doing so no luck. My buddy keeps finding them


    There is a store you can walk into and buy any disc you want here in Columbus on Riverside Dr.




    Been there last week. Trying to find a package deal that someone no longer wants . If I can't find any used ill head on over.


    Guy that works there was good guy. Very imformative.

  7. Just use one disc. Thats what people did for years before people started taking it way to seriously. I am up for playing if you want some company but I havent played in almost 20 years.


    ill hit you up the next time we play(possibly tomorrow) i just need to find some discs

  8. you mean his Porsche?


    or was it his Supra?


    think it was a BMW 7 series


    could have been his NSX though

    Or his 100+k benz... see I'm not the only one that doesn't buy your bull shit lying you fat fuck



    Didn't he bitch about paying for a sub/sandwich that HE ATE. How much was the sub??? $10???

    Yea he did.

  9. Alllllll the way in reynoldsburg...its sooooooooooo far! AND if I smell a beer cap I usually get pretty hammered lol


    U drive all over for cbus for cat meets the burg is 15/20 minuites down the road ya wimp


    Paul and funny used together and not about his looks? idk about that haha



  10. havent made a thread in a while so hopign tog et afew more people out tonight


    drinks an pool 10pm


    That time of the week. Come on out have a few cold beers, enjoy good company an play some pool


    1$ mugs

    Cheap shots








    Crown sports pub.

    6493 east main street reynoldsburg 43068(between autozone an dairy queen)




    I WILL OWN ALL come on out

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