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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Well there were 2 reasons I did not feel it necessary to utilize the search. First I was too tired and lazy to go through a bunch of BS threads. The other being that I had not been on here for over a year so I felt like posting.


    don't be lazy



    nice ninja edit carwhore i quoted you when you said "you sir are an idiot"....and i have to agree maybe go back to lurking... :gtfo:

  2. You 2 would make such a cute couple.


    You bicker like and old man and women.


    i dont see whats funny here? Doesnt matter if it was you him or shit even me.


    if a person did that to another person thats fucked up no matter who did it.

  3. really trying to get me for spelling and grammer. real original you fat fuck


    so you preety much were the fault of him getting towed. an your posting online as to show this off?


    if i was him i would be beating you to a bloody pulp and making you pay for the tow an fees you fat fuck. don't you know to not to fuck with a mans car?


    Paul getting at me about my weight is really original. And i didn't try i did, Your more then old enough to know how to use spelling and grammar correctly.

    just gonna go ahead an quote that for ya. i think its really fucked up that you all thought it would be funny to do the shit you did.. then get his car towed. an then post online about it as if its funny..... wow

  4. really trying to get me for spelling and grammer. real original you fat fuck


    so you preety much were the fault of him getting towed. an your posting online as to show this off?


    if i was him i would be beating you to a bloody pulp and making you pay for the tow an fees you fat fuck. don't you know to not to fuck with a mans car?

  5. Well we did leave his car on the sidewalk. But it was towed for other reasons, that i wont mention here.


    ok so let me get this straight then...you put his car on the sidewalk.. and then he got towed for "other reasons " ....but if the car wasent on the sidewalk he probably wouldnt of gotten towed right?

  6. Come on down lot of ncie cars including this calloway vette that scott cordell brought out from dave gilll wooo pics don't do it justice....






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