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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Good try asshole not me. That's two failures i n a row for you.
  2. Noooooooobbbbboooododdddyyyyyy caaarrrressss I'm so sick of hearing about this xrap and seeing it ahhh :finger::finger::finger:
  3. Pickerington 9 The new pickerington one(18hole) Hoover Blendon Griggs
  4. Hmm got ahold of this person advised I'm interested with cash in hand. told the person I'm free said would get back with me with a time... yea well he never got back to me.... I took my $ and buisness elsewhere. Even gave him almost a week thinkin he was busy....
  5. how would you know if i would have to leave crown or not?
  6. Didnt find a good enough deal used so i just went out and bought newwill defentally make a post here soon for a cr frisbee golf day or something
  7. Told u the fat fuck wouldn't payt up Igor u are a piece of shit Acura off a cliff iss my vote Hy hasent he been banned off cr for doing this act???
  8. how didnt you realize it? you would of had to click on a whole nother page an go half way down it from months ago....
  9. hmm best bet is to sign up an make a post im sure some ones had this issue. goodluck. any reason why you want to un do it? i had it done on my 04 gpgt an thought it looked alot better. sure do miss that car
  10. did you really bump a thread up from 3 to 4 months ago? :gtfo:
  11. http://www.clubgp.com/newforum/tm.asp?m=2985451&p=5&tmode=1&smode=1 ask an you shall receive. :edit:: belive this is the correct link. if nto go clubgp.co down to 04+ down to apperanc and its in there.t
  12. SRTurbo04


    you are aware these things can be modded all to hell and back right?
  13. No.... they will sound raspy. I've never heard a good sounding v6 mustang. My 07 has a throaty sound at about 2500rpm but then goes away. The older motors just sound like shit no matter how u f with it
  14. Nope not sold out yet. Still need a few more people I belive to even break even.
  15. Really? I've been at al the track days and don't remember ur car making a pass.. huh must not have done very well to even notice ill be seeing you at 42......
  16. Brian you haven't raced ur car all season :gtfo: quit talking like ur sumthin.
  17. Tina rip the lip off since half is cracked off and missing Glad u got it running. How is it?
  18. Congrats again brian, how did you hold up when u walked her down the isle?
  19. yea that tool is retarted. shit like this is the reason why i wont ever own a vw/audi. have to have a specific tool to get the dam spark plug wire off wtf?
  20. SRTurbo04


    just cause canes is gay doesnt mean im staying in lol have fun at repetitive ville. i see your cranky already
  21. SRTurbo04


    gayyyyyy fuck canes. pass
  22. we used some maf cleaner on it. the maf looked clean. heck it looked brand new she said it felt better for a few seconds an then crapped out as normal. yea if you coudl see if you have a maf laying around that would work. or even a known one working in a car as it only takes 2 seconds to swap them. they plugs were preety black an we got a set but didnt put them in yet. which connector? the trottle position actuator? looked clean when i un plugged it an put it back on was thinking that but didnt do it will the car run with it un plugged?
  23. SRTurbo04


    Hmm I might be in for some food....
  24. Its got anormal cable. Car feels like something isant letting it get gas. Bad ground? Maf totalllly fried? Idk, Anyone have a maf wshe could borrow..would take less then 2 mins to swap to see if its that
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