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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. igor shut the fuck up

    x2 god dam

    Haha, the more threads I read about you, I'm more interested in meeting you, well in this case taking advice from you lol


    haha I don't know why Cr has this love to make fun of me constantly but meh whatever. you know you're doing something right when you have haters coming at you left and right.

  2. Thanks. I knew i could find info about it from here. Well there goes that. Good thing i didnt get all gungho. I have other legit jobs lined up. Thanks again


    dude ignore all the 238990248 things ur gettin from people coming to you... why would a company come to you for a basic job...?


    ive gotten literally 100+ of those type of job offers in 2 weeks

    think smart brandon, keep searching

  3. everyone that i tlaked to that did it said it was shady as hell lol


    one company she worked for sold it to a company an then she got paid for the commision then the company the next month backed out an the company she worked for went after her for the commision $ :wtf:

  4. i dont personally have one but my brother did.It was good, cheap nice place condo fees wernt THAT bad... but he had the thing for sale for almost 2 years....


    if your thinking long term yes shortish term then no

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