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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. whats he currently ride right now? get him a blaster 250 two stroke (there for sale cheap too) will move him along nicely an then move him up to a full size quad in 2 seasons.


    dirtbikes in ohio since it smostly tight trails just isant fun... i had dirtbikes in so cal when i lived there an was great in the open desert.. i moved to ohio an had quads on the trails an was great. jsut recently got a dirtbike an hate it... cause the trails are so tight..


    i would pull trump an just get him a new quad he will enjoy it more.


    but if he still wants one ive got a 01 ktm 250sx dirtbiek for sale :)

  2. What a crybaby, I've been working in this damn heat all week. boohoo

    But u get paid to do thay... I'm doin this out of the goodness of my heart to help cr. So I have. Rights to complain like a panzie :gtfo:



    Finally done 9 hours of that suckkked :lol:

  3. Is a douche bag! It is sooooo hottttt out here. Buckeye the ginger an I are sweating from our anus out at trails!!I almost got hit by like 5 cars at the entrance an I've lost 5 pounds of body weight from dripping sweat.



    I know this was voluntary to help cr out but I wanna give a big fuck you to you sir :lol:

  4. hes talkin shit to the kid for driving his car around while the hood was being dericed at a paint booth....not everybody has more than one vehicle to get around in, whats he supposed to do? walk?.... i was saying that maybe paul doesnt understand that since he has a full time job and blows it all on toys


    made no reference to myself, being in college full time i have no desire to pay rent anywhere when i can sleep at home for free - my comment was more directed to paul being such a jerk to the kid when maybe not everybody is as fortunate to have 3-4 cars or however many he has collected now



    if the hood off of my only car was being painted, im sure as hell not gonna be walking to work or calling off, ill drive the car hood or not

    an i woudl call you a ricer the whole time. sure but he didnt drive it to work or school... he brought it out to a car meet trying to be a ricer ooo yeaaaa gotta show off my honduhhhh weeee :gtfo:

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