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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. I have a decent amount of free time, pm me some ideas and maybe we can make some events that are more fun happen.

    any one up for cr strip club night?



    lol see paul i'm not the only one that thinks all you do is go to crown.


    meh ahh i only go once mabey twice a week ahh well


    they see me rollling....

  2. Paul: "Anything not Crown is a designated CR meet and sucks".






    ahh well back to standing in parking lots see you all next week, should be awesome!!!




  3. If all of the meets are so boring, then help set up meets that are more enjoyable. Pretty sure you are allowed to post in the meetings & events section. ;)
    we shall see


    This. And not fucking Crown.


    u woudl fit in well there an no no crown haha

  4. I would rather stand around a parking lot all night than roll 10-15 deep and "race" all while probably getting caught. Its annoying to have people whine about meets but tries to whore themselves out in racing anything that moves.


    Just because people havent made car related meets doesnt mean they suck, the members here have taken their friendships above cars into other walks of life. Look at the pool crew or Dover and Shanton with their PRK, their love for cars and standing around in a parking lot has grown into something that travels to other parts of the country doing what they enjoy.


    i do hang with people from cr an do otehr things none car related thats not what this is about home slice. im saying that the designated cr meets suck lately :p


    If you actually came to meets, Mike :p



  5. You forgot NTR. Some people like to actually hang out with others that share the desire of automobiles.


    i said the last week... a week=7 days ntr was longer then 7 days :p

  6. Paul, you and Scott can have a pity party. Funny you made it out Friday, though.


    no pity just pointing out.an i came out on the way home from work cause it was a different spot then the normal sonci bs.


    tryed it talked to some people an left an went out

  7. Just because no one wants to race your junk doesnt mean meets suck

    see post below...



    its good to meet up with people and just chill once a week or so....not everybody goes out to some lame bar every night to hit on pregnant chicks and then expect to rice around all weekend....some people just like to chill at meets


    what does the bar i go to have to do with CR MEETS? nothing, i thought so, pay attention here.


    cr meets lately consist of standing in a flippen parking lot :jerkit: sure i dont mind meeting up an bsing cars an such for a little bit...but that gets lame quick... as in 1 hour quick.


    lets see threw the meetings section last week...

    paintball(that didnt happen due to weather so ill give them that)


    cars an coffee (standing in a parking lot which this event is nice)


    some ricer kid wanting to meet up at a parking lot..


    sonic(meeting in a parking lot ...)


    "saturday night" meet at the usual spot on the east side sonic.. soo sit in a parking lot..


    power room that didnt happen due to late notice (would be a good even with more time)


    meet at canes...stand in a parking lot...


    crawl for the cure drinking meh ok


    drag racing at mcir woooo first good thing




    so the last 9 "events" there was one event that was good an went on. i rest my case :bangbang:

  8. First off you didnt lock in ANYTHING, no money was every exchanged or held. Second you didnt bet on anything when you raced heads up, it was just for fun. You complained about not running "6 out" and didnt wanna run heads up so why would you all of a sudden agree to the race? Makes no sense....


    ooo the plot thickens :popcorn:.....

  9. Because he stays at home instead of coming out to meets.


    we dont alll have baby sisters on disposal







    an staying at home is better then most cr meets lately im just saying.


    stand in a parking lot.... weeeeee so much fun... :bangbang:




    :jerkit: u can only do so much standing in a parking lot so often...

    • Downvote 1
  10. The boat ramp is amazing. One day I will join some of the old cupple and pull up a lawn chair and watch all the idiots.


    It was to windy for me to really enjoy the water.

    :lol: yea that's why I go there on kmy lunch break from work always a good laugh.

    Yea it was preetyt windy.


    How was the water?

  11. Dam u I'm working. I will be at the lake on my bike though for my lunch break at 5


    Goodluck today there are a bunch of tards at the boat ramp today.


    One guy new yamaha boat took up both lanes then took 10 minuits to get it on the trailor.... an then proceded to pull it out of the water enough to get it out an then did his hookups for tow. Lights, plugs, straps reven wiped part of it down all while in the ramp.


    Then another person was towing another boat in an ran into the dock(the runningone) an then got them to the doc.... well the wife of broken boat..... took off the rope an the boat started drifting back into the lake an the husband had to dive in for it. :wtf:


    An now the husband can't back the trailor in for sheeeeit



    Ahhh I love people watching at the ramp :lol:

  12. UNBAN!!!!!!!

    This thread was gettin good.


    Plus I want to see a video of Josh collecting dollars.



    BTW- Is this that orange RSX that claimed to make 600WHP on bewst?


    WTF bring him back i wanna make some cash


    He won't race u.


    In his last thread he whipped out the oooo I've got 500hp. Well josh must of called him out 5 or 6 times in that thread. An old boy just kept ignoring him an neverresponded back.....


    Ahh well

  13. Why? if u notice in his other threads he will go all billy bad ass freak out emooo an then not post when someone rebuttles/calls him outso like his last thread he said his emo crbaby post an will not post again untill he starts another thread ...this will be a repeat process....
    Unban him... its no fun with him banned :(
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