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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Well if you wanna know, I stole my own reply from Mr John Tilley himself as in Jon Linn body slamming someone in front of IPS years ago when we were racing. Tilley AKA Dr. Z06 said "I want that as my avater" After siad person was deployed on the ground.



    However Neonkiller is my name, its what I like to do.

    :( fucker beat me years ago thats for sure.

    Aight. Ill give you the money then. Your right. PM ME.


  2. I havent backed out. I just want to race. And its unfortunate that my car has an electrical issue right now. Thats really the only thing holding it up. Im not getting 12v to the ecu. So we need to go through the chassis harness to find where its bad.


    Secondly, that car was fine until the t2small took a dump. Itll run everyday once we find this electrical issue.


    i dont doubt that itll run.. but our bet wasn't when ever its convenient for your car to run


    the bet was to be raced at the track day on april the 23rd... my car was there as was i u didn't show u lost the bet.'



    my car was broke until the next before. if i didnt bring the car i would of ponyied up the money since i didnt keep to my end of the bet. plain an simple.

  3. Why Not pick up a dsm, good gas mileage, great power for the money, looks, and it doesnt sound like a coffee can full of pissed off african bumble bees. And for the people that say they break all the time that is not true if you stay up on your maintenance and mod smartly.


    Just my .02

    yea an break 3 times a day fuck that :gtfo:

    Can a MOD delete this thread this is just crazy.

    ahahaha we have a winner!

  4. really dude how did u make it out of the oven with an attitude like this


    pm i just received from mr billy bad ass really man get a life "BRUH"


    "I don't give a shit, if someone is gonna talk shit about my car I'm gonna say somethin right back, I have balls not a fuckin pussy, that thread had nothin to do with my fuckin picture and he just had to go and say some stupid fuckin shit, don't give two fucks Bruh, let me know when your ready to race and I don't give a shit what you gotta say about my picture neither"

  5. for once ide have to agree with aaron




    Well nobody asked you so you can eat shit and die for all I care.


    an honestly this statement really makes me want to go out an meet u :nono: ....since your new here if u would like people to have a meet, i would recommend not being a complete asshole but that's just me :gtfo:

  6. so is the Saturday or friday noght meets up at sonic by easton still goin on? the miata should be done and I wanna fucking roll out lol


    god i hope not. wish that place with burn an die in a fire

  7. WHAT!?!?!?!? When I left he was still going strong singing to everyone and raping like Rabbit from 8 mile.

    yea it was funny as hell but tell me why my drunk ass cleaned it up :wtf:



    iwas gonaa right hapy birthday n say howyou cant not speel or typ corrwectly, but then you wood be like itypefrom my pone so dill withit n noone would understand whats going on

    then make a second paragraph for no reason n cont. to keep jabbering on 270 san diego blah paul yay.


  8. paul, did you end up getting your dick sucked by any of the toothless vagrants who frequent crown?


    nope no action for me :( but i did get to witness scott (cordell, nd2race) puke at the bar :lol: ahhahahaha


    thanks to all who came out

  9. nice boat man looks like alotta fun .... i will have to take the four winns out with ya and do some tubing
    for sure. I do tubing off my big 3 seater jet ski an its beast


    papa boos?


    and learn how to get your finger off the lens r-tard.

    It was my cell an it was windy on this jankidy ass dock was afraid of it falling into the water.

    When are we racing? :)
    aww come on I'm slowww lol mabey take ur belt off ur blower :lol:


    Nice. I see its the RHD model...shits jdm yo.


    hahaa jdm!


    all boats are like that ding dong.


    paul, did you forget the drain plug again?


    Nope drain plug is in an good I. Double an tripple check it now haha :D

  10. What did pauls neon run didn't get a chance to see it?? I heard 13.2 wft?

    ive been battling a lean condition for the lasat few weeks i thought i had it all sorted out but nope car was running like ass an my bald drag radials were not helping 13.0 was the fastest it went but my 60fts were down a half second..


    usualyl run a 1.8 60ft but all i could muster was 2.3 :wtf:


    ive got some work to do to see why the cars not running right. it should be hitting 12.50s this year. :(

  11. Whoa that f'er sits LOW in the water! I will do some action shots with you in a few weeks :)

    yea it does but when it son plane on the water only the back few feet of the boat actualyl stick in. kinda odd

    needs more hot chiks in bikinis



  12. took the boat out to buckeye lake thursday here are some pics


    i really need to get another boat or my jet ski out so i can get some action shots but ahh well this will do for now.

















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