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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. - rep for a soon to be ricer :finger:
  2. Xall yousef at 3741065 or 8630094 he is at 4555 e groves red. Unit # 43 columbus He always got me in same day if I was flexible if not next day. Very amazing work an if u search everyone swears by him give him a call.(I hope the #s haven't changed I've got an old buuisness card if not google a 2 z window tint)
  3. Youseff at. A 2 z window tint off groves roadhands down the amaaizng work had all mycars done there Also if u use that little search button at the top ull find about 28393001928885959592 threads about this with names numbers address opinions, prices ect Also dyno brians guy does a nice job.
  4. Do you already have the car? If so what frame are u running? (I'm from so cal home of dune buggies/sandrail been around them most of my life ) An a turbo 5.0 in most of those on the street will lift the wheel very easily. An provide horrifc handling(think of weight bias like a boat) tranny motor rear end all in the rear. Dam near no front weight at all. Just food for thought. If u haven't built it yet I would recommend looking into the subie 2.5 ls1, northstar v8 as these are the main motors that are used an soooo soo many kids out for rails. Or u could build up a class vw motor But there are many many companies that make full faring bodies or just panels to attach to almost all frames . But there were a few legal ones for sale around ohio I belive u would just need to get it inspected. An pass with seatbelts, lights, mount for plate the right tires ect. Sorry for the off topic post I think I just got a chubby ahhh I miss sand rails
  5. Slow day at work, haha Oh an I beat jeffro a shit ton of times too ahhh They see me rolling an integraaaa, they running away cause its gayyyy yea. Doesn'treally rhyme with that song but ahh well
  6. No thanks i prefer to bench race/race my own car. as should you.mabey u should spend less time online ebatteling an more time out fixing ur home depot machine.
  7. I just want u both to know that u 2 are the typical dsm owners both of ur cars are broken on jackstands... an both on the net talking sheeeeit :bangbang: that is all. Btw I drove my pos today it was nice
  8. I thought u were leaving? Yet u keep posting.....
  9. I hate to agree with u but I have to. Ur not rreally saving $ home slice. Plus mustang ull pick up hot bitches a integra mad tye jdm nees ur gonna pick up dudes or the more white trash whores :no pun intended for anyones girls: Just passin threw to say I'm slow an that I beat badazzgsx
  10. Just passin on threw this shit storm to state that I won that is all
  11. Hayyyy budddy. Where's my buritoebitch
  12. Ricer...... I had such high hopes for u kid... tisktisktisk
  13. Did u just openly admit to wanting another guy to suck u off...? homo
  14. What bottle? So what ur saying is ur done with cr alreaddy? Modss can you help this greown man with his requests please.
  15. i won, got paid an the car never moved so me
  16. its the internet dipweed who cares. honestly if u get this BUTT hurt over some random person stating about the angle of your picture i hope to never meet u as ull go apeshit with this croud. learn to take come criticism hey i think i offerd to race you. not worth ur time but hey its the thought that counts
  17. i figured this was going some where in teh range of blowing shit up to get it down but this works too
  18. i asked for a lower race u refused lol ill hit u up here soon, get something going in mexico... is the vw gonan travel this year?
  19. he has since looked at this thread as of 10 minuites ago ... no response ahh well
  20. $ has been paid an again dont be too quick to think ull win son...
  21. fucker beat me years ago thats for sure. pming
  22. i dont doubt that itll run.. but our bet wasn't when ever its convenient for your car to run the bet was to be raced at the track day on april the 23rd... my car was there as was i u didn't show u lost the bet.' my car was broke until the next before. if i didnt bring the car i would of ponyied up the money since i didnt keep to my end of the bet. plain an simple.
  23. yea an break 3 times a day fuck that :gtfo: ahahaha we have a winner!
  24. your not fast enough BRAHHH
  25. we will see what? u lost the bet pony up the cash home slice. i never agreed to none of this double or nothing if the time comes in july an i show up sure we can make another bet if im there
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