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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. really dude how did u make it out of the oven with an attitude like this pm i just received from mr billy bad ass really man get a life "BRUH" "I don't give a shit, if someone is gonna talk shit about my car I'm gonna say somethin right back, I have balls not a fuckin pussy, that thread had nothin to do with my fuckin picture and he just had to go and say some stupid fuckin shit, don't give two fucks Bruh, let me know when your ready to race and I don't give a shit what you gotta say about my picture neither"
  2. pass im hoping to not have the car by june or july. i accept paypal or cash monies plz
  3. what the fuck? go die in a fire thanks.
  4. track day has since gone an passed i was there for our $ race u never showed sooo
  5. for once ide have to agree with aaron an honestly this statement really makes me want to go out an meet u ....since your new here if u would like people to have a meet, i would recommend not being a complete asshole but that's just me :gtfo:
  6. just passing threw to say that i won by default that is all. carry on
  7. SRTurbo04


    god i hope not. wish that place with burn an die in a fire
  8. yea it was funny as hell but tell me why my drunk ass cleaned it up hahahaha
  9. nope no action for me but i did get to witness scott (cordell, nd2race) puke at the bar ahhahahaha thanks to all who came out
  10. Haha u fail! But for 13 dollars an hour ill pay her to planet two lips
  11. As in planting two lips..... really greg u fell for that
  12. for sure. I do tubing off my big 3 seater jet ski an its beast It was my cell an it was windy on this jankidy ass dock was afraid of it falling into the water. aww come on I'm slowww lol mabey take ur belt off ur blower hahaa jdm! Nope drain plug is in an good I. Double an tripple check it now haha
  13. ive been battling a lean condition for the lasat few weeks i thought i had it all sorted out but nope car was running like ass an my bald drag radials were not helping 13.0 was the fastest it went but my 60fts were down a half second.. usualyl run a 1.8 60ft but all i could muster was 2.3 ive got some work to do to see why the cars not running right. it should be hitting 12.50s this year.
  14. i was wondering who that was... well i do declare me a winner no?
  15. yea it does but when it son plane on the water only the back few feet of the boat actualyl stick in. kinda odd +1
  16. took the boat out to buckeye lake thursday here are some pics i really need to get another boat or my jet ski out so i can get some action shots but ahh well this will do for now. http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll162/04srturbo/25235_579951974937_50609600_3336318.jpg http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll162/04srturbo/25235_579952064757_50609600_3336318.jpg http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll162/04srturbo/25235_579952134617_50609600_3336319.jpg http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll162/04srturbo/25235_579952144597_50609600_3336319.jpg http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll162/04srturbo/25235_579951949987_50609600_3336318.jpg http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll162/04srturbo/25235_579952124637_50609600_3336319.jpg http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll162/04srturbo/boat.jpg
  17. well the person who called me out never showed for our 20$ race. ghayyy
  18. bike is sold lock this up please
  19. just thought ide bump this up :bangbang:
  20. haha ride that bike before you sell it u wont want to get rid of it but for all that are interested the bike is now shantons btu if have any questions thsi used to be my bike
  21. yea but last night it put down the 271 holy shit that was bad ass when it spooled!!!
  22. No I was playing with the trim hight a little but didt really mess with it much. I will on a more calm down.
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