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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. right on man i cant see th epics casue there blocked at work btu why spend the extra money when your going to possibly ccrash an ruin them anyways. buy a new set when u really need them but thats just me im cheap ha



    did u get rid of the r6?

  2. x2 except mine waited like 3 months till i had no money in my account then charged me for my card and then charged me more for overdraft fees. I called and bitched that about that one and got my 60$ back though, but yeah, it does happen, and they wait till they can fuck you with it.


    On a side note the dude i called gave me my $ back like it was nothin, he was just like oh what sorry about those charges theyll be removed, there was like absolutely no fighting.

    they dont wait for you to go over drawn its done by a computer system an its usually 30 days after your active your card. you really think some person sits there an cehcks your account daily an waits for you to get to a low balance then charge it to you? do you understand how dumb you sound.


    an they will credit back ... 1 time in a 12 month period. so prey your not a dubm ass an over draw it again cause its a bitch to get them to remove more then 1 time if its not a bank error

  3. The only time I give less than 15% (usually 20%) is if I can visibly see my server slacking off when I need something. Lets say my drink is empty or I need some extra napkins, and I see them sitting down at another table talking to friends. That really pisses me off, and they usually get 10%. If they are running around, obviously busy, and my drink is empty for a bit, or I have to wait for napkins, thats completely fine. They are busy, and they will get to me soon enough. In that case, full tip.


    In this case, its part of the bill = illegal.


    you do know that servers run around for in upwards of 8 hours so if they sit at a table there not always talking with tehre friends. they coudl be taking an order, listening to a customers issue ectect. so next time you see them sitting dont think the worse. dont get me wrong if thtere sittin there giggling an lauing an not an its obvious there not working then yea i can understand that.

  4. What was it. The expedition against my truck? I guess lock it in. Can we have a pulling contest as well. You hook the rear of your truck to the read of mine and see who can pull who?


    hmm mabey we can do a tug off... in the snow both in 2wd :) since there will be snow youll have the advantage of your salt in the bed but fk it haha

  5. same thing happens with the srt4 turbos... they are so small they cant produce large psi #s for very long due to over heating cause the turbos so small it just cant produce the #;s so it struggles to do so. thats why i spike 22psi an as turbo starts gettin worked/heated it falls to 18 to redline.
  6. "The throttle plate thing is a lack of efficiency at high RPMs, so Mazda tuned it to start closing. Cobb claims to have ''full control" over it even though you feel much more at the lower end of the spectrum."


    ahh after a quick search on google.. dammm that sucksss do you know if the tuners can really tune that out?


    so the compoputer starts closing the throttle after5500 damm suckyness

  7. you're a 5spd right? the MS3 is a 6spd. at 40mph I can't imagine 2nd. remember, for best results the MS3 needs to shift at 5800rpm, not the 6700 redline. Power goes flat above 5800. the one thing I don't like about the car is it takes 3 gears to cross 60mph.


    ahhh i didnt know it was a 6 speed never mind.


    an wait... your redlines at 6700 yet you shift at 5800..????? an what do you mean teh power goes flat? doo tell there sir

  8. Boost is limited in 1st and 2nd. As it is she'll spin all the way through 2nd so that's a good thing.


    3rd and 4th however are full boost gears. Rolls start at 40mph in 3rd which is dead on at 3,000rpms. Full boost, turbo spooling from a 40 and she'll pull through 3-4-5 to 120mph with ease. Key is to short-shift at 5,800rpm to avoid the flat zone of power where the ECM protects the KO4 from cooking itself.


    Days like today, cool with damp roads suck though as WOT is still useless in them.


    try 2nd gear an feather it out or get better tires itll pull harder ... i 40 roll in 2nd at 4k but then again i have traction even on street tires :)

  9. i would say yes because people spray through their intake without a plate so I dont think the angle would be a limiting factor...


    But I thought you wanted to sell the kit because it costs you one engine already


    this man changes his mind daily keep up son.


    hmmm goodluck man why do you want ot spray a 2nd stage? u use a tiny shot right now anyways :gtfo: :)

  10. no shit! That may even be beyond Paulonese..
    lol :finger:



    x2 on pics dont mean any thign. a f150 rear ended me all it did was ptu strett cracks in the paint... took it to get fixed turns out it bent the frame for the bumper all teh supports ectect 1200+ in damagedidnt look preeety when i looked at it


  11. I prefer sliding rather than drag thank you.


    yep, bike has frame sliders....


    soo what does frame sliders have to do with you prefer sliding around... aka driving around? or does it mean you bike spends more time sliding across the ground cause you cant keep the bike up an you crash often?

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