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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. did you check to see if the bike was stolen before buying it?

    Did you check to make sure the vin plate on the bike matched the title?

    did you check the sellers' license/ID to verify who you were actually buying the bike from?


    Just curious...$3k for an 07 GSXR 750 sounds a tad fishy to me....


    x2... why woudl you not get all the paper work from the guy. also any time i ever buy a car or anything from someone... i usually meet them at or go to teh bmv with them before finalzing the sale so u can make sure its legit an no issues....

  2. What in the blue fuck is going on here?


    1. Noobs do not welcome noobs if you are not a senior memeber get the fuck out

    2. For fucksake keep it on topic and take your lovers spats and whatever else you have going on to pm or the romper room.


    ummm i DID stay on topic... and also off hence why i said ontopic : yadayad lol step it up brian :p

  3. Go ahead and build those S class cars, 4 races. 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 full mile winner takes $20. In the event of a tie, sudden death 1/4.


    why dont we do this... buld your self a a car in class b a s an we will race all 3 classes 1/4 1/2 full miles. (who ever wins 2 of the 3 wins) 5 bucks per class.

  4. ontopic: hiiii so which mike do you know??



    To florida and back?



    why not?



    Ha, I get it... cuz you would beat him on fill up's so over the long run you would win... neat!


    my car has seen a best of 32 highway booyaaaa just last week i did 28 an i was beating on it... good try haha plus ide be so far ahead i coudl stop for gas tea cookies a coke an a cheesburger an he wouldnt catch me :)


    but you would win on comfort ha


    back on topic hiii i fail

  5. I've never seen it happen, but I guess the lights that are usually blue and green turn yellow and you get nothing but a screen that says some error occurred and you need to call customer service.


    ahh so now the ps3 has issues liek teh rrod . tht really sucks hope they work it out.

  6. My crx is an S, 300zx was an r3 but its back down to an S also. Crx is faster than your ram brotaco, You. Don't. Want. Problems.


    true ....an your also in a higher class. soo why dont u build a car for each class an lets race. ide be willing to bet ill come out on top. ide put $ on it :bangbang:

  7. I'm seeing a lot of awd in here. Who has the fastest rwd and fwd? I got a pretty quick crx and 300zx, just want to see how they stack up.

    what class are they in though? ive got a ram RWD that runs 11.50s in a class. ive also got an aveo that run high 11;s in a class. an ive got a few more that i jsut cant think of ill post later


    i need to build me some s class drag cars meh

    Those times need to be with no assists and using the clutch.
    these are :) when are we going to race so i can smoke you?
  8. I would have been there, but my halfshaft decided to break when I got on 270 today. I guess you can break them going from 2nd to 3rd.


    DAM DAM DAM i thought that was you!!! i was on 270 heading tword cemetary an you were headed away from it. but for some odd reason i thought you were from canal winchester an you wouldnt of been coming from that way to dyno brians so i didnt stop. that sucks man

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