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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Don't you have a truck to get out of the mud or something? :p

    i do belive that was my buddies fault being a retard an driving slowwwww so stfu ha i do have some dreaggin to do though... like draggin that poopra u got down the track



    an mopar its on mny work computer i need caps on fore that hahah

  2. OK no more letting other people film. this shits about useless and theres only 8 minutes WTF



    rule 1: as long as the record button is pressed you have officially lost your spectating priveledges and MUST watch everything threw the viewfinder or LCD screen


    rule 2 : NEVER zoom in for any reason


    rule 3: do not stick the camera out the window unless absolutely necessary


    rule 4: if the cops come keep filming


    the C6 vs Z06 and JP is really the only good footage .... fuck i hate filming in mexico



    i don't even wanna fuck with this


  3. staying awake sucked good thing the cars had an accelerator. i had to keep sloloming the reflectors to stay awake.

    and even with all our random pit stops and driver changes it still only took 2 hours to get from Akron to canal.


    is sloloming a word?



    in the paul world dictionary yes: sloloming- to slalom while tired?

  4. That supercharger is junk.






    PS - I told you about this site MOOOOOOONTHS ago! Hell... I still had MY MM then! Bad Cop! NO DONUT!!


    god steve you fail at life...even your friends fail... haha


    btw when do you wanna get the bikes out for some cruising an turns?

  5. the first race - i forgot about the traction control so it fell on it's face. :(

    the second race - i totally heard 3 honks :) ok maybe jumped a little, i was using the force and it was faster then your honks.

    hahaha so the force was stronger with you... lol even phil was like wtf... ha


    oh an shanton god your car sounds amazing...an way to randomly get in boost...where you trying to stay awake by doing that?

  6. HAHA YEA THE DRIVE HOME WAS INTERESTING... btw that goat an my car were a dam good match...first race was good till you missed a gear second race... well you left like linn right on the second honk lol an stayed a car back but didnt pull/lose any ground...then when we were by polaris mexico i thought it wa hgonna be a 20 roll then turned into a 30 roll whcih is my redline an every oen went before i coudl get into 2nd before the rrace started lol ahhh in for pics of my dirty pos
  7. Thanks for calling me White Phil ...



    I always knew Phil was a racist.

    lol we were there at like 2 an wee didnt get home till 530 am... i knew you wouldnt of been able to go woth out a permission slip from your wify. an with such short notice i knew it was outta the question lol.

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