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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Fuck that. I'd much rather get paid to think and solve problems. :)


    That being said, I work in a cubicle and have for the last 13+ years or so. From the Air Force to the present. I can sit there, do my work, listen to music, and not have to talk to anyone for most of the day. I actually enjoy my job... :D

    i think i would enjoy working in a cube if i wasent on a dialer system an had to talk to dumb customers alllllllll day. ahh..


    btw your cobras sexyy mmmm

  2. We are expanding, so untill then, this stuff has no where else to go.:(

    ahh understandable, when are you expanding so you can get a bigger area?

    I did the cubicle thing for about 6 months and HATED IT. That's when I met big Phil, though, so it wasn't bad having someone to do random shinnannigans/laugh with. We made a guy (a total nerd) in his late 20's cry because we changed his desktop background to patrick swayze and hysterically laughed until he threw a huge fit. ahhhh, good times

    where did you guys work together"?

  3. I am in a cubicle as well but I'm in a leadership cubicle which is about twice the size of a normal cubicle so it's not too bad.


    it beats working out in the rain today :)


    eeh i beg to differ. i sit in a check for 8.5 hours a day... it sucks it hurts an ive gained liek 25/30 pounds since working in a cube. i used to be a waiter for 5 years so i ran arond an last year i switched. damm!!

  4. Put one up. Tell them you have anxiety and feel like everyone is watching you. :p


    haha make one out of a cardboard box an make adoor handle an put a sock on it.... happy time!!!! dam rob your living the life i wish i had one like yours!!

  5. Debate is one thing, pushing to a flame war is another. I am just trying to keep things from getting out of control since some people can't behave.


    fuck yes my car is slow but it is consistant that is how you win in bracket racing.


    Now back on topic kind of.


    I was thinking about talking with some folks about CR putting on a race like they down south on http://www.need2speed.com


    That would be where we see who is the baddest mofo around.


    From the cars I have seen run this year the turbo s-10 and marks car might be a good run...

    i ment anthony with the slow fbody seeing as how he took the kitchen away... ur just slow mentally lol


    an do be on topic are you wanting quickest in the 1/4?

  6. Just an FYI this is not the kitchen. This is your only warning.

    how does one debate (which were being civil in here some what) in the parking lot ? if we had the kitchen this talk would be just dandy...



    dam old people that drive slow fbodys an there rules :bangbang:

  7. I just lold cause you just sent me the app there. Its better than being in a kiosk in the middle of river valley mall so stfu


    atleast you get to talk to women with 3 teeth walking by. gezz :p

  8. He had to beat paul to the gayness


    i dont belive i posted in this thread stating i was evan a contender. i know my neons slow as balls i just care that its faster then your pos. An yea i call out much quicker calls knowing that will bitch out . anyways keep this back on topic. im gonna have to go with marks car soley because i dont know what else out there thats faster that can be driven on the street.


    Not only is it broken but, it only went 12.8s :p


    yea at liek 130mph

  9. When I left last night around 4:30 there was 5 or so cop cars that rolled up into the front entrance. I have no idea what was going on.


    i always miss the good stuff. a few weeks back we had a guy that was on a stretcher cuff an tied down to it being escorted to the ambulance by some cops ahh crazy people.


    an kevin r you have no idea i feel like killing som eone oh an the copy machine ahhhhhhhhhhhh

  10. I'm in a huge room with 50+ sweaty smelly men in 1B.


    Are you on 2N ?


    yup 2n top floor about 3/4 down (closer to the center of the place) or to be exact im at 2n64( the green signs on the roof)

  11. i just noticed i spelt cubicle wrong in the title oops



    haha so the main point of this thread was to state that i just passed gas, it was so horrible that i couldnt stand it an people 5 cubicle

    over( ruftly 3p yards) smelt it an gaged mm pot roast.


    but then i started to think alot of us work in cubicle

    so, who here works in one? how are your neighbors. what do you do to past the time away with out wanting to kill your self and every one around you?



    personally ive got a nice size cube an its a short one so i can see people an out the window. since im on th ephone 100% of the time i just prop up a movine on my phone an watch that all day. or play some paper footballl with some one across the way. ahh

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