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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. I have it, but no paperwork on it. I've been bitching lately to insight as the box is terribly laggy sometimes taking 10-15 seconds just to bring up the guide or pause something.

    x1000000000 its annoying to hit the guide button an see the light(on the box show up) statin u pressed the botton but then have ti take for ever ahhhh going nuts ide switch to another company but i pay 7 bucks a month for this hd dvr :bangbang:

  2. any one on here have the insight hd dvr...some how my remote got ou of wack due to the batteries possing out an dropping it haah an isant working right any one have the code paper to re calibrate the remote?
  3. For those of you who know me and wished me well before my surgery, I'm doing ok. I had my brain surgery on Sept. 10th. It went well but right now I'm having spinal fluid leakage and it looks like a softball on the back of my head. I will be taking it easy and waiting for it to hopefully heal. I don't want another surgery to correct it, but it may come down to that. Anyways, THANKS EVERYONE for all the well wishes.

    i dont know you but wish you well hate to be too personal... was this due to the accident from the sti...?

  4. This man speaks the truth! G1 = THE best phone on the market. Better than the iPhone, and you only pay $25 a month, which includes unlimited texting and all that stuff :cool:



    x2 im gettin one on the 1st if there finaly not on back order


    tmobile ftw end of convo then at&t an well


    verizion sucks ass as does phil an brian carter

  5. I'm just bored with it. I beat it with a Good and Pure character, then started a new quest with an Evil and Corrupt character thinking the repeatability was there, but it's not. Just kinda boring and I have 96% of the achievements.

    if your so bored with it i shall be by to steeel it from you for a week :bangbang:



    start playin some forze so you brian an i can do a 3 wide 4 roll at road atlanata....

  6. x2 is your goin best buy i went to the one in reynodldsburg and by 7pm the line was wrapped around the building with atleast 75+ people....was nuts tents with beds an heaters...some hard core people go there...really wasent worth my time or money to sit inthe cold alll night to save some $ that wasent guaranteed to be there. as people get spots an then in the morning have there family step in line with them an get all the vouchers bunch of bull shitttttt haha


    so if youve got 50 peoiple in front of you ide say scrrew it because by the time your up its easily almsot 100 people in front of you

  7. On main street in reynoldsburg right next to the rallys it used to be aaa transmissions (they moved up the street) is now for rent... I didn't catch the # on the windows but its for 4 or 5 doors all with lifts an a small office.... ill try to get the #


    Great location as its 1 mile from 270 goodluck...


    What do u want it for anyways if you don't mind me asking?

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