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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. If it isn't raining, who needs tread? It costs $25 to have tirerack shave tires, you've done it for free. Less tread = better contact patch :thumbup:


    Also, x2 on the uber weak sidewall of drag radials.

    no tread= no tractioin for me fwd+torque= no goood haha witht he dragradials i hook up but ahh well i guess ill bring both an try cant hurt to see whats better haha

  2. I think I'm going to go. Decent day tomorrow. Hoping for a better pass than last. I see there are still spots available? I sent brian a PM but he hasnt' gotten it yet.


    I'm going to bring my video camera? Anyone wanna play camera bitch?

    I'm trying to get a spot as well brian said there 30 spots an looks like there not full so sweet ill be camaera bitch for a bit

  3. :D


    That is prob. best though because I am not even sure yet. Imagine, if I am telling you guys this and every roommate of mine is telling people this then there will end up being 45 people wanting to sleep here. Haha...

    mabey you should talk to your roomates smart one..... haha

  4. Selling a 2005 YZF-600R, approx 1900 miles on it. Its sat the past two summers and wants someone who has the time to ride it. I'm getting deployed soon and wont be around to ride it this coming year. Just needs a carb cleaning and its good to go. The KBB value is $4720, looking for something reasonable around there. Its the black/grey model.




    please PM if interested

    bump for a nice bike that gets 60+mpg(i have the same bike never get under 58mpg) fun, an fast that you can still take around corners with the rates of cheap inshurance good luck with your sale

  5. If I run I think it'll be the TA, I got the Fiero up and running yesterday but I need to break in the new clutch, get use to the new shifting and take care of some other issues. Any Idea what class the TA would run in? Small cam, LTs, off road y, cat back and intake.

    ..... im so racing the ta.... ;)

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