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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Alright so recently in the last month I have not beeen able to see the forum jump option at the boton of the screen on my internet on my phone as I always have .... I always used to able to an about 9 months ago if I click ob the cr home the screen just goes blank I'm not sure if my sidekick 3 just is goin bazerk or if something was changed on the forums setup...
  2. HMM.....you not associated with the double d-bad black tiburon with the labo doors neons that blares his stereo and races his slow POS threw teh parking lot AT SONIC are you?


    the on that got ROCKEd BY A 4000 POUND GRAND PRIX?

  3. How about I don't run slicks. I'll run 6 lbs (hmm, I was told the spring I have was for 13) with a 10.3 AFR.

    how about no lol even with 6 pounds ur ass should still rock me


    how abou street tires at 40 pound sof pressure in them and u runnin 6 pounds of boost....?


    ill be the same exact setup as last year untill augest...s o stock yes of course

  4. God damn Anthony, you need to fix CR. For some reason when I click on threads it just takes me to AIM.

    Not my fault phil post whored in here I was just stating that my cars gonna be on the road better watch out bitches


    Hal me u dig u on slicks with a qt of oil drenched over the slicks.... u in?

  5. Im going to take my anger out on your phone, fingers, and mentally challenged brain. next time you post, make sure your boss reads it and approves what you have said first. and no im not angry, im happy for you, im glad your car will be back up and running. im just saying your yapping off a little too much. that motor could run like ass, and you dont know anything about it yet. just wait til you get it running before you start your call out thread lil guy.

    Phil man come on I'm smarter then that we have alreaddy made sure the motor is in good workin mnotor.... an the car even moves under its own power, you have got to give me mnore credit man

  6. and no we are not racing next weekend, unlike your dumbass i am going to make sure my car is right before i start racing it again. id like to keep my shit for a while, unlike you. we will race after i get my car dialed in and tuned. until then have fun fucking your car up some more.

    Phil its the same motor goin in pcm will be thje same everthing will be the same.... an do u forget a have a tuner if it needs tuning..... must be look back at last year my car broken once due to a clutch with 45k on it 20k which had ben racing.... my car ran flawless last year oh an the motor isssue over winter was a factoryu defect ..... phil come over to seans house an take ur anger out on the doners car roof were takin a saw to it friday woooooo

  7. Haha finally the pics are up! Yupp passenger just had a small fracture in his leg and I the driver walked away. I took a HUGE loss though and i'm just glad I didn't have to scrap the car and instead someone can actually put the parts to some good. 3 out of 5 of my friends thought it could be taken to Combs Collision and fixed for under a few grand...haha what idiots.


    Oh and Paul, Brent said he stayed neck to neck with ya haha but im sure he's bsing.



    haah thats brent for ya heres a video from me racing linn for 6$ from a digg and then me racin brents s2k when i had no FMIC haha


    i belive this is the video http://videos.streetfire.net/video/more-racing_122372.htm

  8. yup sure am.... ya got me on that one!!

    i can sense the sarcasium its not like im askin to race for money just for fun i just miss racing and this whole sonic bull shit with no one that races it looks like im just gonna have to race shanton anthonys c6 and marks tt c6z06 and linns camaro and get raped by all four blahh

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