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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. ... you are right, i was wacking off


    but this weekend, i want to look at bikes!!! eeeeeeekkkkkk!!!!!!!!

    I heard toys r us is a good place to buy a bike..... lol if u want u can sit an ride on my bike .....not beig perverted eathier haha if u need some help checkin u out errrr I mean the bikes(amateur leghumper needs more work) pm me

  2. lol oh great he put up the hype! yeah i was supposed to... but no one cares about my excuse.


    i believe this weekend we will be doing something.... hopefully





    ugh huh alright lets hear the excuse? did u fall over get pregnant and have the baby all in the same day? ;)

  3. not gonan lie west side is kidna shady but i went up there and called out what looked to be a bad ass ls1 camaro last year kid said i don wan to race your neon your nto quick enough yada ya yd yayda after an hour or so talking with him (last year when i was dam near stock) i raced his ass from a dig probably 4 times and pulled cars on him baddddly hahaah weeeee ok im done bored at work FTL rob your gay tylur your robs butt buddy and everyone else ahh well cant figure anything else out
  4. Thanks, yeah Nate does great work there. Well i'd like to get a truck because im going to college soon and I wouldn't trust parking my car down there. Plus with all the pot holes and drunk people it just wouldn't be good news. I may part out with a few of the upgrades....i'll keep you posted.

    yea leme know i busted my agp wg and back to stock sucks.... lol


    bump come one people get the inshurance of a base neon bu tthe power of the srt4 cant go wrG!!!!

  5. oh shit,




    run, nawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwz




    boom there goes the eclipse.


    you know you owe me a 10 sec car





    can this thing make it down the track?



    yeah we can push it or tow it



    ill be back with more fast and furious qotues after I go bakk to brians house and watch it again. ::rolleyes:


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