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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. I bought one years ago for 480 from buckey something fun bike lasted a year kept meltin a o ring in the carb an the bike would stall...as well as the exhaust welds got too hot an broke.... I do have a full tank seat an rear tail section got it for free cause they scratched mine was gonna paint it but ah well for sale 20 bucks
  2. WAT!


    Get out the ruller!

    I'm gonna need a yard stick....




    Ok poor attempt at makin a sick joke lol... forreal though I think the sti wing is taller then mine ill check when I'm on lunhc I actually drove it today wooooo lol

  3. There is a place in Mansfield, has both speedball and woodsball


    I would love to shoot the crap out of you guys



    bring it no joke ill shoot u in the forehead from 50 yards away while diving lol...

  4. While I was on tower guard in Iraq I had a laser pointer and night vision goggles. Now that's cool. (green beam shining for over a mile)


    Sorry man but the laser pointer an night vision FTW!!

    But ur stuffs cool too lol what type of events do u put on?

  5. Yeah, I haven't played in years, would love to go. I have three guns just collecting dust.


    pat ur in, cause im not letting phil touch my gun im sure he will kill it come how lol

  6. 100oct is 6.49/gallon I think on hamilton. There is a marathon station out by trails that sells cam 2 fuel for high 5$ range.



    6.49 correcto for cam2 100 dam vpracing shit was 8 bucks forget that

  7. I owe us both one so I can drown my sorrows.

    I've got a video of our run on my buddys camera close race with my busted ass motor....grab some spray that I heard u had an ill fix my motor re race cool?

  8. I couldnt run because i didnt have the truck sorted out in time but i still made it down to watch.


    Even if it was running it woudlnt run worth anything ha just playing....


    For all the people that thought I was gonna splat my pistons threw the block never happened an I'm actually leakin less oil now.... but there is a major issue imparing me by a while second slower....dam I gotta fix it ah well


    13.8 with fooooooooked motor wooooo

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