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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Mine is may 29th, good luck. U will need it..lol

    U goin somewhere in the arena distric? If so if u see me hit me up ill buy u a bday shot


    Craig I doubt u made up for it


    Phil u just driving around on a bus? No clubs r bars?

  2. I work about 2 minutes from Cherry Valley Rd im pretty sure i have seen your car out here but i just figured you lived in cbus so i assumed it was someone elses.


    Yea I'm usually doin a beer run at speedway or market basket... I love teerin outt the speedway...I seem to get instant traction on that road lol

  3. hey my names paul i live in columbus i heard about ohio riders from a few people on columbus racing, im sure ive met a few of you all over there as well as dyno tune motorsports bike dyno day.I have ridden dirt bikes and 4 wheelers my whole life but just recentally got a motorcycle i picked up a 2003 yzf600r back in february


    and also a 07 vstar650 here a few weeks back

    im originally from san diego california so i miss the roads in the mountians to ride but i guess flat ohio will work for me ha

    cons to me i dont care about typing or gramatical crap and i dont swing from any ones nuts other then my own lol

    the only person i know here is smuchingham the gay giant and i believe ive meet satan well hope all is well with every one be safe and hope to get out and ride with some of you soon.

    ill get more pics up here soon dont have any on this computer

  4. There are much worse redneck areas then Newark. Try morrow county then get back to me about that lol.


    Hahaa I know my buddy lives off of cherry valley road an man its funny out there if u ever see a silver srt out there say hey

  5. Thought my Intro and last few posts would be considered a good introduction


    For someone who does the "CR Sponsorship Coordinator

    Super Moderator" job I would expect better treatment of new members ...Purhaps a little more respect than that what Ive seen out of you so far... or should I expect this kind of attitude on this site??


    Moving on



    I'm here to let everyone know about My event at KilKare raceway I'm putting on http://www.StreetlifeTour.com


    Also would like to advertise for The shop I work for .. Maybe you've herd of it (PM me for info to advertise on this site -SpaceGhost)






    Aim:RosenTurd ZL



    Rep for u for steppin up the all mighty spaceghot


    By the way spaceghost I see u put a pic up of ure cars rear....so that's what the rear of ur sti loooks like huh wish I could see it while its moving.... lol (poor excuse of a joke I fail )

  6. Just be careful with ur purchases guys it doesn't take much to get 400 in the hole in one day copper head another way u can do overdraft protection is a credit card solely for opd or u can link it to a homeline of credit an if u go over its a 7 doller transfer fee a lot cheaper then 35 bucks per transaction
  7. That's smart but as long as u keep track somewhat u won't go over


    I love how everyone bashes chase ause they charge fees..... ugh everyone charges fees people an I'm not swinin for chases nuts cause I work there (frankly I have usbank wooo) but as long as ur not an idot an spend money u don't have ull be fine


    And I know there are some emergency times but its not YOUR money ur spending when u go over so there for your gonna get charged for not being on top of your mulaaaa

  8. I've made that mistake once and they refunded all of the fees except one. Maybe you shouldn't spend more money than you have anymore? :)



    Dingdingding we have a winner.... there is this thing called a calculator and a check book leger.... it'll save u money, I get people everyday that complain about blahblah u charged all these fees for the customers mistake... but atleast ur admitting it was ur fault an that ur willing to pay for someof them so that should help u when u go to ur branch

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