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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. its cool....i just know there are more and was in the srt scene long enough to know his isnt really that fast. and i have personally worked on a few srt's around this area recently that should put him to shame.


    BUT sad part is, some of them are older guys who dont really race them. i dont know the point of modding a car and not racing it, but whatever floats their boat i guess...lol


    i did find a few guys on srt forums that wanna possibly get a race in though....oh and also a caliber srt-4 wants a piece of you too paul. i mean technically its still an srt-4 just different body style and a bit more stout :D


    ill race them thats fine but gotta fix the motor first hopign to tear into it nexdt weekend :confused: is the caliber silver? an did he go to the track sunday at trails?

  2. J, sell that p.o.s (thats dsm in spanish) and get somthing differnet, but whatever you do dont listen to paul, he doesnt even have a head light. theres nothing like listnening to a guy with half a car who is baisically in the same boat as you with car problems.



    phil i had myheadlight out to get forced air stright to my intake asshat... j man sell the dsm and buy a camaro lol

  3. How was the track.... good condition shity. Long waits. Just wondering what its going to be like this year.



    LONNGN WAIIITSSSS, i got a ton of runs in in an hour causee i got there way early to get teched in ...then i waited 2.5 hours to run again got up to the line and they stopped our lines and went to the bigdogs adn bike...i sadi fuck it an left

  4. That right there is why I don't go to trails. Too many cars leaking shit and making clean up shit at the track thus making us wait forever to run.

    as do i an thats why as i was sittin in the staging lanes i had a town under my car to get the FEW DRIPS that dripped...nothing on the track nothing on the lanes that i didnt get...


    by the wa waited 2.5 hours for the street lanes to move...got to the very frfont car and then stopped my line and mine next to me and started on to the others...said fuck it an left ahh

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