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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Okay ladies. I'm bringing a grill. I'll also bring some hot dogs.


    Start posting up what you're bringing. Anybody who wants to eat bring something. Hot dogs, hamburgers, buns, plates, soda, chips, cookies, ketchup, mustard, etc...


    If u need another grill pm me I live right in reynoldsburg ifg someones passin threw there with a truck

  2. do it im a full time student and wait tables full time and ive had a car payment for 2 years and for the last 1.5 years had a quad payment and just recently added a motorcycle payment...u just gotta figure ou if you want to work your ass off for your toys or not...personally ive had 4 "beater" cars...just buy a new ish car its not worth the crappie realibility


    clifs: hell yea!

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