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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Alright guys can anyone help me....good friend of mine her 1997 neons motors knockiong realll bad she hasent put oil in it in forever it was bonneneeeee tryyyy put 4 quarts in it an still knockin....so I'm assumn she needs a new motor can anyopne gimme an estime on how much it'll cost to get a newish motor an put it in.....its a auto pos neon lol
  2. This thread sounds like a great way to get your car stereo jacked.



    Haha no that's defentally not my intention in thew parkin lot area with the post abouit the 08 cobalt ss they were comparing interiors between the gti an wrx an got me thing of just seeing what people r doin t9o interior these days

  3. There is more to car than driving fast in the snow...


    Class with Sport and comfort:



    Cheap, Plastic, Loud:


    You can tell Subaru tried, but thats about it



    haha please wanna talk about cheap looking interior.


    http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n84/YamahaSean/IMG00023.jpg..srt4 wins...all function... wooo man i neeed to clean up lol

  4. Yup. If your the same I think your going down unless I botch the launch. I've yet to launch the wrx right the flywheel make it allot harder to get off the line. Maybe a low roll? 20-120?


    i can do a roll...but u sure u wanna do that...besides the top mount have u done anyting it since the last time?>

  5. Allignment this weekend then we can do dig to 120. Short gears man. Until I get the MBC on and some type of BOV I can't use fifth 100%. 22lbs of boost + stock BPV = leak.


    fine...we will do it then..btw my car hasent changed since the last time we raced... any one got a camera? oh an im ording myturbo this weekend i might hit u up to help me tune my car if ur available

  6. drive a FWD car with power in the snow. Then I will let you drive my car which I'm sure will out do any stuck FWD power car you will find. You will be sold at that point


    my car drives fine in the snow on street tires no snow tires...an u know my car has power to the wheels...an how many days out of the year does it snow...less then 60 days ...so 300days of perfectly drivable weather... eeeh for those 60 days ill drive slow or drive my suv ha


    bill u me right now from a dig to 130..we will see whats better :asshole: lol

  7. A to z window tint off of groves road right by 70...he did my grand prix for 160 an my srt4 for 150...go to the consumer reports on the forum seems a ton of people have beeen to him an all swear to his work...my buddy gave him a set of tires an charged him 50 bucjks for tint....he offers 50 35 15 5% an mirroed tint... honestly 50% to me is pointless ide go 35 front an 15 back...I have 15 an 5 back an u can barely tell...just a though
  8. It sounds as if putting it in park (auto) isn't enough to hold the engine---


    I don't have a chain wrench and my craftsman strap wrenches (rubber/plastic) are about as good as holding it by hand. My dad has air tools but his compressor leaves a little to be desired..


    What chain wrench do you recommend? I had to fab up a tool out of angle iron to hold the damn waterpump pulley on a 2000 blazer to unthread the fan clutch monster nut.


    How do you hold the engine up if you take loose the motor mount?


    Thanks for the tips!



    a jack...a 2x4...a tire anything thall fit under there would work...we just used my stock rim worked fine

  9. How is that axle coming along? How about i come get you! hehe




    ahhhhh haha...the axels been fixed for a while now thank you very much come on i was on the cruise a few weeks back with it :asshole:


    god i want winter to stop so i can ride the bike!!!

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